Arnold wasn’t always at traitor
Benedict Arnold betrayed his country. But before he did, he helped to save it. Twice. Prior to explaining how, some necessary background information.
Our War for Independence was long and difficult with numerous battles (e.g. Saratoga) and circumstances (e.g. France’s entry) proving critical to its outcome. Most critical might have been the one occurring right here in the Mohawk Valley during the dog days of August in 1777. The following information on the battle is taken from Barbara Graymont’s seminal work-The Iroquois in the American Revolution.
During the spring of 1777, the British developed a three-pronged attack plan designed to take New York thereby dividing the colonies in half and making a quick end of the conflict. One “prong” involved General Barry St. Leger and his Indian allies (Mohawks, Senecas, Cayugas of the Iroquois Confederacy) taking the Mohawk Valley, ultimately hooking up in Albany with Lieutenant General “Gentleman” Johnny Burgoyne coming down the Hudson River and General Howe coming up the Hudson from New York City.
The responsibility for stopping St. Leger was given to Brigadier General of the Tryon County Militia, Nicholas Herkimer, a veteran of the French and Indian War. With his force of some 800 militiamen, many inexperienced farmers, the slave-owning, large- land owner left German Flats on August 6th with the goal of ending St. Leger’s siege of the only hurdle between the British army and Albany, Fort Stanwix (Rome). But failing to send his Oneida Indian allies to scout ahead proved tragically costly as Herkimer’s troops were ambushed by some 400 Senecas, Mohawks (led by Joseph Brant) and Tory Rangers in a steep ravine near Oriskany Creek. As Graymont states, the Americans lost an estimated 500 men, the remainder returning home “carrying their wounded with them and leaving their dead strewn upon the field, never to be buried.” Herkimer survived only to die shortly thereafter from his wounds. What was inaccurately designated the Battle of Oriskany was actually a slaughter.And if St. Leger had greenlighted Brant’s request to take his warriors and attack an unprotected Mohawk Valley, the course of the war very well might have been different-and not in the colonists’ favor. Instead, he continued to lay siege to Stanwix.
Against all odds, for nearly two weeks the defenders of the fort under the leadership of 28-year old Col. Peter Gansevoort held out, giving the Americans time to raise a battle-tested army at Albany to go after St. Leger. But before they ventured forth, their leader perpetrated a ruse. Again according to Graymont, a feeble-minded captured Tory named Han Jost Schuyler had his death sentence commuted if he went to St. Leger and gave an exaggerated account of the numbers of the American forces and their nearness to the fort. Thankfully, he went and was believed.
Schuyler’s ruse, the loss of five Seneca chiefs at Oriskany and the British’s false promise that the campaign would be a piece of cake convinced the Iroquois allies that it was time to fly the coop. With over half of his army gone and American forces on their way, St. Leger retreated on Aug. 22. The three-pronged attack was history. The American officer who planned the ruse-Benedict Arnold.
And the soon-to-be traitor wasn’t finished. At the Second Battle of Saratoga, he defied his superior, Gen. Horatio Gates. The latter’s incompetence had cost the Americans a victory at the first battle at Saratoga, and it was common knowledge that he despised Arnold to the point of failing to promote him as deserved. Contrary to the more reserved Gates, Arnold believed that the Americans had to attack and thereby led the charge at Breyman Redoubt which routed the British-German forces. As a result, shortly thereafter, Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga. During the battle, Arnold was badly wounded to the extent that his left leg would always be two inches shorter than his right. He remained on inactive duty until the summer of 1780.
As a result of the aforementioned, the three-pronged attack failed and with it went any realistic hope for the British restoring control of the colonies. Also, the victory convinced Louis XVI of France to officially support the Americans (money, soldiers, naval support). Finally, the Americans (c.30%) who had been uncommitted in their support now threw in with their colonial brothers. A new nation was about to be born.
Arnold ultimately defected for a variety of reasons including grievances suffered at the hands of Congress (e.g. recognized Gates as the hero at Saratoga) and the military (passed over for promotions) and money problems.
Even though that change of heart resulted in the name Benedict Arnold becoming synonymous with the word traitor, it must never be forgotten, as it has been in American history texts and courses, that had it not been for the “savior’s” actions at Fort Stanwix and Saratoga, a different flag would be flying over this land and we’d be bowing in reverence to King Charlie.
Ray Lenarcic is a 1965 State University of New York at Fredonia graduate and is a resident of Herkimer.