
World of trouble keeps plaguing Mideast

You might have thought things could not get worse in Gaza. UNICEF estimates there are 50,000 malnourished children. They are in immediate danger of death by starvation. In the first five years of life it’s really important to get enough to eat so that your brain develops normally.

Without that nutrition people lose intelligence. This is genocide. How can we host Benjamin Netanyahu while he is starving people to death? People like the speaker of the house Mike Johnson will stand up and applaud him. We have lost all credibility on the world stage. We can not pretend to value human rights when we finance this Genocide.

We are not seeing what Palestinian refugees are seeing, what Hezbollah and the Houthis are seeing. Our news feed is not filled with emaciated children who have survived bombardment but now are starving to death. They see us as the Evil Empire in a holy war.

Nine months ago, there were 500 trucks a day bringing supplies to Gaza. Today the Israelis are letting in fewer than 100. Polio has been found in the drinking water in Gaza. Israeli Doctors signed a petition demanding an immediate ceasefire so that food and water can be rushed in and a vaccination effort started to avoid a polio epidemic. The Israeli government is already vaccinating its citizens. There can be no vaccination of Palestinians while the Israeli bombardment is going on.

Polio is a horrible disease. It’s a slow painful death that is completely preventable with the vaccine. By not putting pressure on Netanyahu to initiate a ceasefire we are allowing thousands of children to die of disease.

On top of this, the Israeli government has been designating safe zones and then bombing those zones. Close to 40,000 dead, We don’t know how many are under the ruble. Two million people homeless, and now a Polio Outbreak.

Oct. 7 was horrible. There is no defending it. Laying waste to the entire Gaza strip with our weapons, is not justified either. Certainly not as a supposed “Christian Nation.” Jesus said “do good to them who hurt you” and “Turn the other cheek” He never said. “Kill as many as you can” That is what Netanyahu is trying to do and we are helping him. But why?

Why are we ignoring all our supposed values in letting him kill Palestinian children?

There is something sinister and honestly quite insane. There is a group of Christians who want to hasten the Rapture by fulfilling a prophecy I don’t claim to understand. There is something about restoring the nation of Israel to the Jews, a perfect red cow to sacrifice at the rebuilding of the Temple Mount. This article explains some of it, “What is the Meaning of Red Heifers in Bible Prophecy?” from christianity.com. The problem is Orthodox Jews want to put the third temple on the site of Solomon’s Temple. Which unfortunately is the present placement of the Muslim Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Holiest site in Islam. If the Israeli’s tear down the Al-Aqsa Mosque all of the Arab world would rise up against them and we would have a War on our hands. Possibly a nuclear confrontation. That really would be the end of our civilization.

It sounds insane but there are politicians like Mike Johnson the speaker of the House, who believe we are coming to the end times. And they want to bring it about. Personally, I feel strongly that anyone actively working to bring about the end times should not be in any position of power.

Who are we to try and bring about the End Times? That is pretty arrogant. I don’t want my tax dollars going to that.

We are doing something else to cause ourselves trouble. We are pumping CO2 into the atmosphere.

Some people do not believe that Global Warming is happening. I don’t know what weather channel they are watching but the one I watch says there is a heat dome like a giant glass paperweight over the West. It looks like it will stay in place for most of July. It’s going to get hotter and hotter. It’s too late to avoid the impacts we’re seeing now. We have to adapt to the hotter world and we have to stop pouring CO2 into the atmosphere.

The first thing we can do is plant trees. Then turn every parking lot into solar farms. People can park in the shade under the solar array. It will generate energy where it is needed in the higher population areas and save farmland for growing food. Which is going to get harder with the changed seasons. We here in Western New York live in an enchanted pocket. We have the inland sea, the great lakes to bring us rain. We will be able to grow crops when Idaho is a desert. In 25 years land here will be very valuable.

Marie Tomlinson is a Fredonia resident. Send comments to editorial@observertoday.com

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