
Placing some faith in our care system

I am writing in response to the column on the convention trailer as a haunting display.

The author suggests the DNC was involved with providing abortions and vasectomies and other reproductive services during their convention in Chicago. A quick fact check showed the DNC (although perhaps supportive of the services) was in no way involved with the provision of medical services during their convention. Rather it was the Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers, which is based in the St. Louis region, that offered these services during the same time period that the DNC was held, but miles away from the actual convention site.

The question the author failed to address is the reason such medical services are in such demand. The Dobbs decision by the Supreme court ruled that the Constitution does not protect the right to an abortion. Rather the issue of medical care in the form of abortion is left up to each state.

Many states immediately imposed restrictive limitations on abortions, some with harsh penalties for those who have or seek such medical care. In Some States penalties can include prison time for a person who has an abortion, anyone who performed the medical procedure and even for anyone who may have helped a woman get this type of care ! In response, the Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers purchased the RV to help serve those from neighboring States that might find it difficult to obtain medical reproductive care. All the appointments for abortion or vasectomies were quickly filled.

The author further purports that “96.9% of women seeking help at Planned Parenthood receive an abortion.” This also could not be further from the truth. Abortion only represents about 3% of all the services Planned Parenthood provides. The vast majority of their services are preventive health care, birth control, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, pap smears, breast exams, and research. It provides reproductive health care to many across our country who without this service may not have their health care needs met. In a 2016 survey, 26% of patients at a Planned Parenthood site said it was the only place they could go for the medical care they required.

In addition, the concept of “life begins at conception” is neither scientific nor a part of any (ancient) traditional religious teaching. Rather it is a matter of faith.

Different faiths have different concepts of when human life begins. There are some that consider human life begins at the moment of conception. Other faiths believe it is after “quickening”, ie movement of the fetus, usually at four months.

For other faiths it is at the time of the first breath. I often have wondered why our First Amendment, freedom of religion, is not used to defend a women’s right to health care including abortion. Your faith may tell you life begins at conception so you will consider it murder to abort. Other faiths do not hold this view. Why should some people’s faith dictate to the rest of us?

The author goes on to express his pride and joy of being a father.

I couldn’t agree more. Most of us parents and grandparents find much joy and delight in our children and grandchildren. I cannot imagine my world without them in it. They have and continue to bring me much joy, pride, and love.

But then again I adopted my daughter at a time when I was in an established marriage, with good income, and a secure home. Unlike many who seek to terminate a pregnancy who are young, or single, or fleeing violence, have medical reasons, or just a wrong time to become a parent

My faith tells me to only show them compassion and let the judging be by the Divine.

Judi Lutz Woods is a Fredonia resident.

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