

Local Journalism Sustainability Act is worth supporting

The recent “Observers view” of March 6 really caught my attention. With the mastheads of two and one half newspapers disappearing in the U.S. each week there is no doubt that newspapers across the nation are in competition with online news sources, websites, Social media and television for ...

Help for crisis at the border

I am writing in support of the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024, a bipartisan bill on immigration. We know we have a crisis at our southern border, with thousands of people trying to get into our country, to escape economic hardship , violence from gangs and ...

Words not in use anymore

I was thinking the other day of words I grew up with, but which you don’t hear much anymore. My Dad, for example, used to say when someone was obstinate that: “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink!” It was relevant back then because we had horses, and I can ...

Immigration means loving thy neighbor

The Rev. Mel McGinnis’ guest essay, “Jesus, Razor Wire, and Border Policy” is disturbing on many levels. His facts are dubious, his rhetoric frightening, and most of all, his argument underscores why we have—and should continue to have—a clear separation of church and state in this ...

Championship Dunkirk team made memories

As many of my readers know, Rational emotive behavior therapy over the years has always been based upon rational thinking based on evidence and facts. On March 17, 1973, the Dunkirk High School Varsity Basketball Team walked into Buffalo’s Memorial Auditorium to play Cleveland Hill High ...

Voices from past village leaders: Take stand for reservoir, future

Editor, OBSERVER: The signatures at the end of this letter represent a combined total of many decades of service to the government of the village of Fredonia in various capacities. We are all from different backgrounds, experiences, education and age levels but we all have something in common ...