

Democrats need a mirror on ‘rhetoric’

In the days since the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life there were numerous calls for everyone to “cool the rhetoric.” It is interesting to note that while some of these calls to cool things came from a few Democrats virtually all the heated rhetoric ...

Renewables are important to Nestle

The way our pets enjoy nature is inspiring — bounding along the lakefront or stalking through backyard grass. As I think about making a difference in my local community and caring for the planet for my own pets and family, I’m driven to seek out sustainable actions I can take at home and at ...

Taking a boat ride under the bridge

The other day, on a beautiful morning, a friend and I took a boat ride under the Chautauqua Lake Bridge. There was a lot to see. A bridge is a bit like an iceberg in that there is much more of it below the road surface than above it. That means that much of the construction work is also more ...

Gus helps brings smiles at school

For those of us who do not have thick skin, these are trying times. The political atmosphere is at boiling point, and many people are behaving badly. Some of the most blatant evidence of the ugliness is on display in peoples’ front yards – homemade signs that malign political figures in ...

State’s green scheme puts us in a box

Are New York state voters waking up to the looming disaster caused by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) of 2019, which eliminated nuclear and fossil fuel based electricity by 2040? Not yet, apparently. Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who killed nuclear power in New ...

Power-hungry Trump left trail of damage

Francis Bellamy first penned it in 1892. In my years as a student, I learned it and recited it approximately 2,000 times. In my 34 years as a history teacher at Lake Shore Central, I started the day with my classroom students saying it over 6,000 times. Meetings, sporting events that I ...