A recent article in your publication regarding a proposed housing purchase by the Rak family has prompted this letter on behalf of the New York State Wine Grape Growers.
Labor is an extremely important resource for all farming and particularly vineyard work, so consequently, we are very ...
CHAUTAUQUA—If you thoroughly enjoy and treasure the national parks, doesn’t heading up an organization such as the National Parks Conservation Association sound like it could be a fun job?
Meet Theresa Pierno, whose enthusiasm for the parks is obvious and who is president and chief ...
I read mostly nonfiction but when I read fiction it is almost always good historical fiction.
I was first introduced to historical fiction when I pulled “Arundel” by Kenneth Roberts from a library shelf. A chronicler of the French and Indian War, the Revolution, and the War of 1812 ...
Yesterday, beginning the turn into our driveway, I stopped. Our front yard birch tree, its leaves shimmering in the light breeze, captured my attention. I usually take its beauty for granted, but this time I needed to pause to appreciate its splendor.
We planted the cluster birch with its ...
Politicians apparently don’t watch the NOVA documentaries aired on PBS, because if they did, they would have seen “Polar Extremes” narrated by the Smithsonian’s Dr. Kirk Johnson, who shows that manmade carbon dioxide is insignificant to that produced by Mother Nature via ...
My sister finally came north for a week — she couldn’t take the oppressive heat in South Carolina anymore.
However, I thought, until recently, that our biggest weather story of the summer had been the many, unusually hazy days we have had caused by wildfires burning in Canada and in the ...