
NRG rally: Strong words of discontent

Some of the most indicting comments from Saturday’s rally to show support for the NRG Energy Inc. Dunkirk plant came from a person who knows all too well the battle to stimulate an economy in this region.

Dave Wilkinson, president of the Jamestown Central Labor Council, IBEW 106, realizes exactly what is at stake if the facility is not repowered – a loss of more than $9 million in payments in lieu of taxes to the city, its schools and county. It also will mean more job losses.

Wilkinson pulled no punches in his comments on Saturday in regard to the company filing the lawsuit to hold up progress. “Entergy, my message to you is to stop behaving like corporate crybabies,” he said. “Greed is no longer feasible when it affects the lives of many. Behave like a tradesman. Go to work. Get dirty. Put down your legal pen and lobby the PSC for a liability study. … You want what we have? Then earn it; work for it. Crybabies.”

Hundreds attended the rally last weekend. The message sent was clear.

We’re still waiting for an NRG repowering. This community is in full support.


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