
FREDONIA Item’s return is what matters

History is an important part of northern Chautauqua County. Some of the earliest settlers, including Amos Sottile, were here more than 200 years ago.

It also plays a huge role in downtown Fredonia, which is home to the historic Opera House that was refurbished and renovated by volunteers 25 years ago as well as the Barker Common. But something is missing in the park. It just does not seem right.

A naked cherub, part of the west fountain that was donated in 1900, was suddenly taken during the early morning of Nov. 21 around 2. Two suspects were caught on camera, but not clearly.

It’s likely it was a prank similar to one that took place in 1997. Will the piece be returned? Those with a connection, including Dr. Daniel Reiff and sculptor Robert Booth hope so. Both have put in plenty of time in either keeping historic documents or restoring the village structures.

Anyone with information is urged to call the police, but many would happy to have the item just plain returned. No questions asked.


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