
New York State: Cuomo again changes course

How short is Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s memory?

Does he remember his blithering bluster only three short months ago when Rhode Island threatened to force any visitors from New York state to be quarantined regardless of whether or not they had symptoms? Does he remember threatening lawsuits at Rhode Island’s plan to issue fines and penalties for New Yorkers who violated the rule? Does he have any recollection of the Rhode Island state troopers flagging cars with New York license plates at the Rhode Island-New York border? Or what about Florida’s similar order on those traveling to the Sunshine State from New York back in March? It was lunacy.

Of course, Cuomo threatened lawsuits against Rhode Island and the federal government. Such travel bans and quarantines “would be a federal declaration of war on states,” Cuomo said in March. The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island contended the order violated the Fourth Amendment protection against unlawful search.

Fast forward to last week, and there is Cuomo declaring that residents of his own state face a fine of up to $10,000 if they don’t self-quarantine for 14 days after returning from a COVID-19 hot spot like Florida.

How is it wrong for other states to quarantine New Yorkers in March, when New York was the epicenter of COVID-19, but perfectly fine to do so now to residents of his own state in June? Weren’t other states just trying to protect their residents in the same manner in which Cuomo is acting now? If Cuomo was right in March, then he’s wrong now.

What a classic case of do as I say, not as I do. The fact is Cuomo is not governing by science — he’s governing by sound bite and fiat because Democrats in New York’s legislature are as feckless and illogical as the governor on whose lap they sit.

In March, Cuomo threatened to sue Rhode Island and the federal government. We hope a New York resident who gets slapped with a $10,000 fine for taking a vacation they were allowed has the gumption to do what the state Legislature does not — stand up and sue the governor.

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