
FREDONIA One-term mayors becoming the norm

Doug Essek’s announcement that he will not seek another term in the village of Fredonia has set a trend. For the fourth consecutive mayor, the reign is only one term.

Who was the last mayor to serve more than four years? Frank Pagano — and his consistency brought results and a strong brand.

During those years, Village Boards spoke in one voice. Leadership in department heads was long term. In addition, there was an extra pride in the municipality.

Since those years when Pagano was at the helm, Fredonia has seemed in disarray with water problems galore and a lack of direction and bickering boards. Essek, earlier this week, noted he is ready for a different direction.

It’s tough not to blame him. He’s done all he can in his representation of the entity through appearances at events and his never-ending love for his hometown.

But being mayor is a tough job. Whoever comes next — and Michael Ferguson is the only announced candidate as of today — will have plenty on their plate.


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