
ANNUAL EVENT Communities savor National Night Out

A north county tradition returns this week with the National Night Out. Events will be held in Dunkirk and Fredonia on Tuesday and Cassadaga on Wednesday.

Fredonia’s event precedes the commencement of Dunkirk’s celebration from 5 to 7 p.m. at Russell Joy Park. The Fredonia Fire Department will be in attendance with equipment, along with DJ Chris Rivera, face painters, food, drinks, and ice cream, as well as a bounce house for kids to enjoy.

At last year’s event, Fredonia Police Officer Ben Kravitz said, “The focal point of an event like this is to get the police involved with the community so that young kids can realize we are their friends, we’re not the bad guys. We’re here to help them if they ever need us.”

Dunkirk will host its 30th consecutive National Night Out celebration at Washington Park, beginning at 6:30 p.m., with a movie to follow shortly afterward. City police and fire departments will be in attendance, with various activities available for all ages.

On Wednesday, newcomer Cassadaga hosts it celebration from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Johnny Fessenden Ballfields. First responders will be hosting demonstrations of their equipment. Expected to attend are the Cassadaga Fire Department, the Stockton Fire Department, the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department and the New York State Police. Fire Guys Bounce House will be available for guests to enjoy, as well as Gus Hotts food truck and cookies by Daw Daw’s Delights.

“This is a night when our police officers, our firefighters, we can interact with the community in a 100 percent positive way,” Dunkirk Police Chief David Ortolano said last year. It also is the reason the event is so popular each August.


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