
DUNKIRK SCHOOLS Advisory team is another partnership

There are nearly 2,000 students who are enrolled in the Dunkirk City Schools. It is the second-largest district in Chautauqua County.

Becoming more engaged with the community has been a priority for the administration within the last year. Another step will be taken next week with the beginning of the advisory team.

Its first meeting is slated for Tuesday, Nov. 28 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Jamestown Community College north county campus location that will include a light dinner. “We’re not looking at it as supplemental work,” said Jennifer Westerholt, district communications director. “We’re looking at it as critical work that needs to be part of everything that we’re doing.

“What it really is, is it’s about relationships. It’s about partnering with family members, caregivers and community members to support our student growth, our student learning.”

Dunkirk schools is more proactive than ever in regard to how it is working with families, students and city residents. This event, in which all are welcome, is one more effort that continues its outreach efforts.


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