
DUNKIRK: Downtown’s hope with $9.7M in funds

After a tumultuous two months that included the stunning revelation the city was in a multi-million dollar fiscal hole, Dunkirk received a bit of positive news. Earlier this week, New York state Gov. Kathy Hochul announced nine projects were chosen for funding in the Downtown Revitalization Initiative that was announced in January 2023.

“For generations, Dunkirk’s waterfront has been a source of pride and potential,” said city Mayor Kate Wdowiasz. “Today, with this transformative investment, we will be able to harness the power of Lake Erie to create a vibrant destination that celebrates our unique heritage and diversity.”

What Dunkirk truly needs is feet on the street. Since the devastating Masonic Temple fire of February 2010, downtown has lost its energy.

Projects approved by the state have that initiative in mind and include: the Dunkirk Macaroni Co.Building to house apartments and medical offices; a Downtown Dunkirk Small Project Fund; a Clarion Hotel Building and Grounds renovation; renovating Lake Shore National Bank Building to house retail and market-rate apartments; refurbish the Graf Building to House a Workforce Development Training Center; expand the city of Dunkirk Marina through new docks; construct affordable apartments and a Daycare Facility on on East Fourth Street and Washington Avenue; enhance the Chadwick Bay Marina; revive the Historic Adams Building to House Arts and Youth Programming.

During the summer, the waterfront is filled with excitement and activity. Bringing that same vibe to Central Avenue will take some work and investment.

That $9.7 million targeted in funding for these projects is a start.


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