
DUNKIRK: Questions aren’t the tough choices

It was good to see Common Council asking questions in regard to the recent Community Development Block Grants that were approved earlier this month. All too often — especially during the last four terms of those who have served — worry about the pennies and not the big dollars.

Last week, Councilwomen Abigail Yerico and Nancy Nichols sought clarification for the position that oversees the disbursement. Vince DeJoy, planning and development director, said it pays for CDBG coordinator Nicole Clift’s salary and fees but also partially funds another position, though that was unstated on the resolution.

All told, the CDBG funding tops $441,000. In the bigger picture, that is about 1.7% of the city’s $26 million total budget.

If council members are the watchdogs they campaign to be in the election years, they have to do a better job of watching the money. Since New York state is involved — and the city’s deficit is hovering around $16 million — that’s been an afterthought.

Can this council begin to get the house in order?

That takes tough decisions. Those rarely happen in local government.

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