UNITED WAYS: Will others follow agency’s lead?
There is now only one United Way in Chautauqua County.
Kudos to the boards of the United Way of Northern Chautauqua County and the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County in approving the merger of the two organizations and setting the dates for one countywide United Way campaign this fall. It was a difficult step, we’re sure, for board members who care about the agencies they have helped support over the years and, more importantly, the people those organizations have helped.
Change is never easy. While last Tuesday was a momentous day for members of the now-combined United Way of Chautauqua County, the work really is just beginning. There are constituencies that we are sure are uneasy because they aren’t sure yet how one board will handle the work previously done by two. There are jobs and missions that rely on the merger of the United Way boards to go smoothly. We’re sure there will be bumps in the road in the coming weeks and months, and we’re sure that the board is up to the task to smooth out those bumps.
As we noted in supporting this merger when it was proposed, the faces and organizations may be different, but the issues we face in the north and south county are largely the same. It’s time that we deal with poverty, job readiness, child care, addiction issues, mental health issues and the myriad of other social services the United Way supports with one voice.
The real question now, in our opinion, is this – what’s next? A level of important funding and community involvement has streamlined itself. Are there other agencies that should consider mergers? Are there duplications that can be removed so that less money goes to administrative overhead and more funding gets to the people who need help.
It’s hard to look in the mirror and say it’s time to consider a merger. The United Way boards did just that. It was a courageous step. Who else is ready to follow the United Way’s lead?