
FREDONIA: Small fee hikes won’t cover costs

Fredonia is growing more desperate for more funds. With expenses surpassing revenues, trustees last month announced a willingness to take a look at current fees.

Trustee Jon Espersen brought up the idea and shared information with other members of the Village Board. “I passed out to all the trustees our current — from 2009 — not just parking, but all the other fees attached in there,” he said. “I would ask that we all take a look at that and see how we want to adjust them.”

Last week, the village approved a Revenue Anticipation Note to get through the remainder of the fiscal year. That amount could go up to $825,000.

Overall, the municipality’s spending plan is about $11.6 million — including the sewer and water funds that combined are running a deficit. The high point of that loan amount is 7% of the total expenses for the entity.

That’s not a good sign — and it’s unlikely any fee increase will cover the future budget gaps for the village.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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