
NYS Hunter Safety Ed. is required for license

The regular big game firearm season (deer/bear) in our southern zone of NYS will open on Saturday, Nov. 16 and run through Dec. 8. The early archery season opens on Oct. 1 and runs through Nov. 15. The crossbow season opens on Nov. 2 and runs through Nov. 15. Photo by Joe Forma

In New York State, the pursuit of hunting for small game (rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, etc.) or big game (deer and bear) is a responsibility that comes with the requirement of hunter safety education to obtain a hunting license, including bow hunting.

The course covers safety, hunting techniques, responsible, ethical hunting practices, and legal hunting implements, including a gun, a muzzleloader (black powder), crossbow, or bow to pursue wild game. All courses require the completion of homework PRIOR to attending an in-person course. You must complete the homework to participate in the course.

There are in-person, instructor-led, hands-on hunter education courses and online courses. The in-person courses are free. The online courses cost between 24.95 and 49.95, depending on which option is chosen for study.

For either course choice, the minimum age for course attendees is 11, though the minimum age to purchase a license is 12. The course is an 8-hour class session.

The in-person courses are free and provide the best option for anyone new to hunting. All students under 16 must bring a permission slip signed by a parent or legal guardian. None of the hunter safety instructors are paid to provide these firearm safety services and hunter ethics recommendations; their time is totally volunteer time. They do it to pass on the hunting traditions so that everyone stays safe in the fields and woods and that the time-honored role of hunting in the wild can be passed on for generations. And to meet NYS requirements.

Do not wait until the last minute.

The regular big game firearm season for deer and bear in our southern zone of NYS will open on Saturday, Nov. 16 and run through Dec. 8. The early archery season begins on Oct. 1 and runs through Nov. 15. The crossbow season opens on Nov. 2 and it runs through Nov. 15. Other seasons for small game and special rules can be found in the NYS Hunting Syllabus and online at https://dec.ny.gov/hunting. If you have questions about hunter safety training, call 1-888-486-8332 or email hunter@dec.ny.gov.

Here is a list of upcoming Hunter-Safety Courses: Saturday, Aug. 17: Cattaraugus Rod & Gun Club, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 18: Jamestown Rifle and Pistol Club, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 24: Springville Field & Stream, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 29: Ripley Rod & Gun Club, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. plus one additional day; Saturday, Sep. 14: Harmony Conservation Camp, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sunday, Sep. 22: Falconer Rod & Gun Club, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Saturday, Sep. 28: Carroll Rod & Gun Club, in Frewsburg, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Students must complete the required homework, which typically involves reading and understanding the course material, attend the entire session or sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety awareness, and pass a 50-question final exam. The exam covers the material taught in the course and is designed to ensure that students have a good understanding of hunter safety and ethics.

After successful completion, students receive a Hunter Education Certificate of Qualification required to purchase their first-time hunting license in New York State. After that, your name and identification will be kept on file for the succeeding years.

If you plan to hunt deer or bear with a bow, NYS requires the hunter to also take and pass a bowhunter education course. This course is like the original hunter-safety course but is only 6-hours minimum. In-person Archery Class sessions are planned as follows: Thur., Aug. 22: Ripley Rod & Gun Club, 6 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. plus one additional day; Sun., Aug. 25: Springville Field & Stream, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sat., Sep. 7; Harmony Conservation Camp, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sun., Sep. 8: Falconer Rod & Gun Club, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

A NYS resident hunting license cost (firearms) is $22 for people 16 to 69 years old. Age 70 and over is $5, ages 12 – 15 is $5, and a non-resident license is $100. The hunting license is valid from Sep. 1 each year through Aug. 31 of the following year. The bowhunting and muzzleloading hunting license privilege is an additional $15 each for residents and $30 for non-residents aged 16-69 years of age, and it is less costly for those younger and older.

The cost of a lifetime hunting license for a NYS resident aged 12-15 is $535, $765 for 16 to 69 years of age, and $65 for those 70 and older. Small game and big game are now included in the annual hunting license for both residents and non-residents.

Hunting provides a sense of adventure and challenge, as hunting big game requires skill, patience and a deeper understanding of wildlife behavior. While some consider hunting to be highly controversial as a topic for discussion, hunters admit that hunting provides a profound and traditional connection with nature that takes hunters back to the time of our forefathers. With more people on the planet now, safety is of paramount importance. Be sure of your target and what is beyond before letting your arrow fly or squeezing the trigger.

Gotta love the NYS outdoors!

Outdoor Calendar:

Aug. 7 – 18: Erie County Fair, Hamburg, NY; visit the Conservation Building to see live fish, animals, and conservation ideas for building bluebird box nests.

Aug. 13-14: Meet with Rich Lazarczak and the Cattaraugus County Trappers in the Erie County Fair Conservation Building to learn about the importance of NYS trappers.

Aug. 15: Southtowns Walleye Assoc., monthly meeting and Kids Day event, 5895 Southwestern Blvd., kid’s crafts and learning stations – 6PM, general meeting – 7PM.

Aug. 16-17: Innovative Outdoors Walleye Challenge, Dunkirk Harbor from HQ at the Clarion Hotel Gazebo, $500 entry/team; info: Jim Steel, 716-481-5348 or visit https://innovative-outdoors.com.

Aug. 17: Roger’s Bird-Day Bash, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., in the Lodge at RTPI, tickets $20; Includes all-day admission to RTPI.

Aug. 17: NYS Hunter Safety Training, Cattaraugus Rod & Gun Club, 7732 Route 353, Cattaraugus, NY, 8AM-4:30PM, register online at https://register-ed.com.

Aug. 18: NYS Hunter safety training, Jamestown Rifle and Pistol Club, 2882 Busti-Stillwater Rd., Jamestown, 8AM-5PM, register online at https://register-ed.com.


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