
Library book club growing

Patrons love the adult book club at Dunkirk Public Library. After years without an official name, the recently christened Books and Beyond has seen its membership double over the last few months. What was once a small gathering of eight to 10 participants has recently grown to accommodate an active membership of twenty individuals, although some are currently wintering in warmer locales. According to discussion facilitators Cindy Budniewski and Roberta Jones, the group has become so popular that they have had to implement a waiting list for potential attendees. In addition to the great selection of both contemporary and classic titles chosen each month, perhaps it is the “Beyond” in the newly selected name that makes this group so special. Always eager to enjoy each other’s company as well as a good read, the club members hosted a sweet-filled holiday party in December. March’s gathering also included a baby shower in honor of a member who is about to welcome a young reader of her own. Books and Beyond convenes at 5:30 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room on the first Thursday of each month. Individuals who would like to join the club waiting list, host an event of their own at the library, or learn more about the library’s programs for Adults, Teens, and Children, may stop by 536 Central Avenue in Dunkirk or call 716-366-2511


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