Coming up…
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Story time and take-home craft kit
536 Central Ave., 11 a.m. to noon. For ages 2 to 5.
Cassadaga American Legion weekly bingo
Legion Post 1280, 228 Maple Ave., 1 p.m.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: Create a Popsicle Stick Bird Feeder
43 Main St., Silver Creek, 2 p.m. Best for ages 6 and up due to use of hot glue guns.Registration required. Call 716 934-3468. Free event.
Youngerman Center stroke/head injury support group session
SUNY Fredonia, Thompson Hall, room E148, 3 p.m. Activities to help stroke and head injury survivors use compensatory strategies to improve communication skills, provides educational information, opportunities to socialize, share experiences. Light refreshments. Free, open to stroke/head injury survivors and their families. Contact Julie Williams, coordinator, (716) 673-4618 or (716) 673-3203, for more information about attending.
Darwin R. Library presents: After-school all-ages storytime
7 Day St., Fredonia, 4:15 p.m. Stories, movies, crafts, play. All children are welcome. No registration is necessary.
St. Joseph’s bingo
Bingo will take place at St. Joseph’s parish, 145 E. Main St., Fredonia. Doors open at 5 p.m.; bingo begins at 7.
Fredonia American Legion Post #59 Ladies Auxiliary monthly meeting
156 E. Main St., 6:30 p.m. All members and new members encouraged to attend.
Children in the Stream/ 4H Youth Fly Fishing program class
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, Costello Room, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Open to children over 12 (younger if accompanied by an adult), faculty, staff and community members of all ages. Classes and supplies provided at no cost. No long-term commitment is needed.
Faculty Recital: Fredonia Clarinet Faculty
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
TOPS NY No. 890 meeting
First United Presbyterian Church, 35 Park Place, Silver Creek. Weigh-ins begin at 8:45 a.m., meeting starts at 9:35 a.m. All are welcome. Use the Main Street entrance. For details, call 716 680-0313.
The Game of Real Life Teen Resources Fair
G.A. Family Services Gymnasium, 210 Gustavus Ave., Jamestown, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Teens and young adults ages 14-21 invited. Visits with representatives from area employment agencies, continuing education institutions, housing agencies, banking institutions, transportation companies, healthcare organizations, support systems and more. Chances to win prize baskets. Agencies will be on hand to perform live life-skill demos. Food, drinks provided. Several local agency sponsors.
First United Presbyterian Church of Dunkirk spring recital
FUPC sanctuary, 19 W. Fourth St., noon. Adelina, an exchange student from Moldova, will perform on the piano.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Child’s Play
15 Main St., 1 p.m. For ages birth to pre-school. Participate in stories, songs and fingerplays, Take away craft or activity for extended learning. Register at 716 962-5885.
TOPS NY #1094 of Brocton meeting
Tri-Church, 35 E. Main St., Brocton. Weigh-ins at 2 p.m., meeting at 2:30 p.m. All are welcome to visit with new friends and get help losing weight. For details, contact Kathy at 716 792-4226.
Movies at the Reg: “Migration”
Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, 116 E. Third St., Jamestown, 2 p.m. The New England duck pond Mallard family embarks on a trip via New York City to Jamaica. $6 admission fee and $1 theater restoration fee.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Homeschool Hour Makey Makey STEM Adventure 15 Main St., 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. To register, call 716 962-5885. This week – Code Key Presses in Scratch and Craft and Code Stories in Craft.
Indigenous Spirit Dancers: traditional Seneca songs, dances and storytelling
SUNY Fredonia, Williams Center room G138, Blue Lounge, 6:30 p.m. A Seneca cultural dance group will showcase Haudenosaunee traditional songs, dances and storytelling. Open to surrounding communities.
Lakeshore Humane Society Wednesday open adoption hours
The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is welcome to see the dogs and cats in need of loving homes. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week by leaving a message at 716 672-1991; press “1” for dogs or “2” for cats. One must be 21 years of age or older to adopt a pet. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.
Dunkirk Memorial American Legion Post 62 monthly meeting
211 Central Ave., 7:30 p.m.
Fredonia Clarinet Ensemble
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Thursday Knitting Group
St. Joseph’ Roman Catholic Church, 145 E. Main St., Fredonia, 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Many of the creations are donated to local charities, or attendees can work on their own projects. For details or to donate unused yarn, call 716 785-6039.
Red Cross Blood Drive
SUNY Fredonia, WIlliams Center, Multi-purpose room, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. See to schedule an appointment and for requirement details.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: School-age storytime with Miss Amy
43 Main St., SIlver Creek, 10:30 a.m. For children ages 6 to 12. Stories, crafts, games and other activities. Limit of 10 children, pre-registration requested. Call 716 934-3468.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: Preschool storytime with Miss Jill
43 Main St., SIlver Creek, 10:30 a.m. For children ages 2 to 5. Reading, singing, rhymes and fun crafts. Limit of 10 children, pre-registration requested. Call 716 934-3468.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Story time and take-home craft kit
536 Central Ave., 11 a.m. to noon. For ages 2 to 5.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: Design and Paint a Stuffed Animal
43 Main St., Silver Creek, 2 p.m. Design and then paint on canvas a stuffed animal of choice. Best for ages 6 and older. Registration required. Call 716 934-3468. Free event.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Book Club
536 Central Ave., 3:30 to 5 p.m. Read and discuss a series of engaging novels ranging from the classic to the contemporary. Books can be reserved by calling 716 366-2511. New members welcome.
Dunkirk Elks bingo
Dunkirk Elks Lodge bingo will be held at 428 Central Ave. Doors open at 5 p.m. Admission sales begin at 6 p.m. Games start at 7 p.m.
Steps to Serenity Al-Anon Group
Harvest Chapel Free Methodist Church, 39 Matteson St., Fredonia, conference room 6, 6 to 7:15 p.m. Enter from the canopy and ramp door entrances. For details, call 716 969-2395.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Life Story Writing (Hybrid)
15 Main St., 6 p.m. All materials provided (scrapbooking, etc.) Ages 12 and up. Take time to document the story of your life. Registration required. Call 716 962-5885.
Fredonia Flute and Bassoon Ensembles
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous meeting
219 Central Ave., Fredonia, 8 to 9 p.m. Free to attend. The only requirement is the desire to stop using. All are welcome regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion. For details, visit
Eclipse weekend events at Mazza/Five & 20, Brocton American Legion Post 434, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park, Chautauqua Lake KOA, and more.
Fredonia First Methodist Church series of watercolor classes: part 1
25 Church St., 9:30 a.m. to noon. Teacher: local artist Ronnie Lafferty. Register for each class desired by texting or calling 716 640-8199. Limit of 12 per class. All painting supplies provided. Donations appreciated. Bring 2 plastic containers for water, several white paper towels, old, small clean hand towel not exposed to fabric softener, two number 2 pencils. A time of faith building devotions at each class This week: Basic supplies and process.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Sinclairville Samplers
15 Main St., 10:30 a.m. to noon. Quilting, knitting, crochet, embroidering, fun with friends.
Darwin R. Barker Library presents: Bunnies in Baskets
7 Day St., Fredonia, 11 a.m. Farmer Mike from Sun-Dance-Kids Farm will bring some of his animal companions. Free event, registration required. Call 716 672-8051.
Audubon Community Nature Center First Friday
1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 11 a.m. to noon. Adults $8, Nature Center members $6, children 9 to 15 $6
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Dungeon and Dragons
536 Central Ave., 2:45 to 5 p.m. Teens and YA patrons welcome to join for role-playing adventures. Contact the library director at 716 366-2511.
Lakeshore Flea Market
VFW Memorial Post, 2556 Route 20, Sheridan, 4 to 7 p.m. New and vintage items. Chance for two VFW free fish dinners. 50/50. Fish fry and full service bar available.
Solar Gift Gathering Carnival in Sunset Bay
Sunset Bay Beach Club, 12911 Iola Drive, Irving, 4 to 9 p.m. extended happy hour. Carnival game tickets will be redeemed for prizes. In lieu of a cover, bring items that can be used in a fundraising raffle: baskets, gift certificates, wine, beer, liquor. Proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northern Chautauqua County.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua Cup of Kindness Cafe
222 Temple Road, Fredonia, 7 to 10 p.m. Free coffee, snacks, friendly conversation. Free will offering gratefully accepted, but not required. All are invited to this safe and welcoming place. Call 679-7944 for details.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Fredonia
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, Bartlett Theatre, 7:30 p.m.
Audubon Lights
Audubon Community Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 8:30 to 10 p.m. Take a self-guided walk along a half-mile luminary-lit trail of forests and ponds glowing with lasers, spotlights, rain lights and more. Admission fee. Suggest bringing cash for optional purchase of small LED and/or glasses that refract the light. Bringing flashlights recommended.
Eclipse weekend events at Mazza/Five & 20, Brocton American Legion Post 434, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park, Chautauqua Lake KOA, 6 Baers Toy and Gift Shoppe, Splash in Bemus Point, YMCA Camp Onyahsa, Lily Dale Assembly, Lake Erie Wine Country, Alpacaville, and more.
Lakeshore Flea Market
VFW Memorial Post, 2556 Route 20, Sheridan, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. New and vintage items. Chance for two VFW free fish dinners. 50/50. Saturday breakfast of danish, breakfast sandwiches on homemade biscuits or lunch of homemade soup of the week, pizza and wings can be purchased. Full service bar available.
Fredonia Farmers’ Market
Fredonia Masonic Lodge, 321 E. Main St., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. It features a variety of food vendors, crafts, artisans and prepared foods for sale. The market welcomes cash, credit cards, SNAP benefits.
Stockton Seymour and Cassadaga Branch Libraries present double-feature park display
Cassadaga Village Green (corner of Route 60), 10:30 a.m. brief ceremony presenting “Cassadaga Songbirds” created by RTPI-sponsored artist Katelyn Davis. Stockton Park, at the traffic light, 11:30 a.m. brief ceremony will highlight Ms. Davis’s “Stockton Raptors,” followed by a light reception.
Audubon Community Nature Center presents: Creature Feature
1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 10 to 11 a.m. $8 adults, $6 Nature Center members and children 3 to 15, 2 and under free. Meet some of ACNC’s reptiles and amphibians in this live animal program. Register by calling 716 569-2345.
Cassadaga Branch Library presents: Eclipse storytime
18 Maple St., 11 a.m. for young children. “A Few Beautiful Minutes” by Kate Allen Fox will be read. Eclipse-appropriate snacks will be served. Eclipse glasses will be available.
Lakeshore Humane Society Saturday open adoption hours
The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from noon to 3 p.m. The public is welcome to see the dogs and cats in need of loving homes. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week by leaving a message at 716 672-1991; press “1” for dogs or “2” for cats. One must be 21 years of age or older to adopt a pet. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.
Art and Architecture on Screen: Titian: The Empire of Color
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 1 p.m. Adults $15, students $10. The story of the artist who symbolized the entire Renaissance.
Princess Tea Party
Northwest Arena, 219 W. Third St., Jamestown, 2 to 6 p.m. Princess pass $15.38, parent of a princess $10.25, photo with a princess $3.08. Light snacking for all, tea with princesses, vendors, manicures, makeup. Prince Charming may be there. Dress code: prince and princess attire. For tickets, contact Nina at 716 720-3691.
Audubon Community Nature Center presents: Springtime Adventure
1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 2 to 3:30 p.m. $8 adults, $6 Nature Center members and children 3 to 15, 2 and under free. Family-friendly hike to look for signs of spring and to experience nature through different guided activities. Register by calling 716 569-2345.
Eclipse Weekend Movie – “Galaxy Quest”
Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, 116 E. Third St., Jamestown, 4 p.m. 25th anniversary. Features the voices of Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman. $7 per admission and $1 theater restoration fee.
Creating a Heart Vortex to Actualize the Full Potential for People and The Earth. Lily Dale Assembly, 5 Melrose Park, Assembly Hall, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. talking about the Earth Changes, the Fifth World and the importance of following your purpose in your life. Then the group will bring hearts together and send thoughts out for manifestation. Join Grandmother Spider at Lily Dale Assembly for this once-in-lifetime event! Spider is a ceremony leader, Medicine Wheel teacher, herbalist and founder of Vortex Energy Bodywork. She worked with Grandmother Twylah Nitsch for close to thirty years and spent the last forty years developing Vortex Energy techniques for healing people and the planet. For more info, 716-595-8721 or
Pipes and Ale Fundraiser for the 96th Highlanders Pipes and Drums
Chautauqua Suites, 215 W. Lake Road, Mayville, 6 to 11 p.m. Ticket donation $30 at the door, $25 at Includes beer, pop, wine, snacks, Celtic music by “Step N Time” and “Catch N Release.” Basket raffles, 50/50, more. Bring pipes and drums.
Cinema Series: “Ordinary Angels”
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 7:30 p.m. Stars Hillary Swank and Alan Ritchson in the story of working together to obtain a liver transplant for the widower’s daughter. $7 adults, $6.50 seniors and Opera House members, $5 students.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Fredonia
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, Bartlett Theatre, 7:30 p.m.
Audubon Lights
Audubon Community Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 8:30 to 10 p.m. Take a self-guided walk along a half-mile luminary-lit trail of forests and ponds glowing with lasers, spotlights, rain lights and more. Admission fee. Suggest bringing cash for optional purchase of small LED and/or glasses that refract the light. Bringing flashlights recommended.
Eclipse weekend events at Mazza/Five & 20, Brocton American Legion Post 434, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park, Chautauqua Lake KOA, 6 Baers Toy and Gift Shoppe, Splash in Bemus Point, YMCA Camp Onyahsa, Lily Dale Assembly, Lake Erie Wine Country, Alpacaville, Spencer Hotel at Chautauqua, Sunset Bay, The Heron, and more.
Chautauqua County-Jamestown Airport pancake breakfast
3163 Airport Drive, 7 a.m. To celebrate the solar eclipse. Vendors, food trucks, DJ. At 10 a.m., a special dedication ceremony will honor Joseph Minarovich, a stalwart in aviation. Details TBA.
Arts and Crafts/Funfest
Lily Dale Assembly, 5 Melrose Park, inside Auditorium, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendors, 50/50 raffle and $20 readings.
Audubon Community Nature Center presents: First Sunday Story Time
1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 12:30 to 1 p.m. Children 2 to 8 with an adult. Free event. Register by calling 716 569-2345.
The Astrology of the Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Aries: New Power, New Beginning, New You!
Lily Dale Assembly, 5 Melrose Park, Assembly Hall, 1:20 to 5:30 p.m. Join Rev. Kimberly Freeis, Esq. (“The Legal Medium”) for this once-in-a-lifetime event and learn to harness the energy of this historical solar eclipse to release your own super power. $75 per person, Zoom option also available. See
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Fredonia
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, Bartlett Theatre, 2 p.m.
Dom Polski Club presents: “Hooman”
179 Lake Shore Drive, 4 to 7 p.m. Open to members and eligible guests.
Audubon Lights
Audubon Community Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 8:30 to 10 p.m. Take a self-guided walk along a half-mile luminary-lit trail of forests and ponds glowing with lasers, spotlights, rain lights and more. Admission fee. Suggest bringing cash for optional purchase of small LED and/or glasses that refract the light. Bringing flashlights recommended.
Chautauqua County-Jamestown Airport pancake breakfast
3163 Airport Drive. To celebrate the solar eclipse. Vendors, food truck, DJ. Details TBA.
Arts and Crafts/Funfest
Lily Dale Assembly, 5 Melrose Park, inside Auditorium, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendors, 50/50 raffle and $20 readings.
Eclipse Fest in City of Dunkirk
Clarion Hotel Conference Center and Steelbound Brewery, 30 Lake Shore Drive E., Dunkirk, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free event features exclusive waterfront viewing of the eclipse on Lake Erie, limited time release of the Steelbound Eclipse black lager beer, live music including DJ Jas from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. followed by the Porcelain Bus Drivers until 7 p.m. Restaurant and outdoor grill food and drink specials, commemorative cups and t-shirt sales, free solar eclipse glasse, outdoor games, kids’ activities Jamestown Ice chainsaw ice carving demonstration at 2 p.m., City of Dunkirk 2024 event announcement press conference at 3:30 p.m. Optional VIP tickets for $50 include pavilion special access, complimentary appetizers, two drink tickets, one raffle ticket. Portion of ticket proceeds will benefit Hope Rises supporting eyeglass giveaways to youth in need in Western New York. Dress for outdoors and bring a chair. For details, call 716 366-9886.
Total Solar Eclipse
Eclipse takes place at approximately 3:17 p.m., lasts about 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Venues offering viewing opportunities and/or related activities include: Chautauqua Lake KOA, Liberty Vineyards, Barcelona Lighthouse State Park, Long Point State Park, Midway State Park, Sunset Bay State Marine Park, Lake Erie State Park, CIty of Dunkirk Eclipse Fest at the Clarion, Dunkirk Lighthouse and Veterans Park Museum, 21 Brix Winery, Bemus Point Golf Club & Tap House, Chautauqua Golf Club, 6 Baers Toy and Gift Shoppe, Splash, Full Strength Coffee Company, Chautauqua County Airport, 21 Brix, Grape Discovery Center, Sunset Bay, Bemus Point Inn, Pine Junction, Peek’n Peak, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Central Station Restaurant, Green Door Tavern, Kennedy Hallquist Park, Fenton History Center, Seneca Allegany Resort and Casino east end parking lot, Liberty Vineyards, Rolling Hills Asylum,
Chautauqua Golf Club, Merritt Estate Winery, The Fish, Heron Campground and PMF Event Center in Sherman, Audubon Community Nature Center, and more.
Audubon Eclipse Watch
1600 Riverside Road, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Horse-drawn carriage rides, a food truck and live music from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Faculty Recital: Sean Duggan, piano, “A Solar Eclipse Recital”
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 6 p.m.
Sheridan VFW Auxiliary Post 6390 meeting
Sheridan VFW Post, 2556 Route 20, 6:30 p.m. For details, call Sue Bigler at 716 203-7241.
United States Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, King Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m. 19 piece jazz ensemble performs classic big band standards, instrumental and vocal solo features, patriotic favorites, contemporary jazz works, original arrangements, compositions by past and present members. Free admission, general public, secure tickets in advance. Call 716 673-3501 M-W-F 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., limit 4 tickets per request.
Chautauqua Lake KOA Chautauqua Lake KOA is planning events, special merchandise and will have glasses. Chautauqua Lake KOA 5652 Thum Rd, Dewittville. For more info 716-386-3804 or
Grandparents caregiver support group meeting part 1
Cassadaga Branch Library, 18 Maple Ave., 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Four-part series. Refreshments provided. Email to register or for details.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Story time and take-home craft kit
536 Central Ave., 11 a.m. to noon. For ages 2 to 5.
Niagara Mohawk/National Grid retirees luncheon
Shorewood Country Club, Route 5, Dunkirk, noon. For reservations, call Dorothy Lawrence at 716 672-2682.
Master Gardeners Lunch and Learn: Food Preservation – “Botany and Parts of the Plant”
Via Zoom or in person at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua at JCC, Carnahan Center, 241 James St., Jamestown,or CCE of Cattaraugus, 28 Parkside Drive, Ellicottville, noon to 12:30 p.m. Pre-register required,, call 716 664-9502, ext. 224.
Cassadaga American Legion weekly bingo
Legion Post 1280, 228 Maple Ave., 1 p.m.
Darwin R. Library presents: After-school all-ages storytime
7 Day St., Fredonia, 4:15 p.m. Stories, movies, crafts, play. All children are welcome. No registration is necessary.
St. Joseph’s bingo
Bingo will take place at St. Joseph’s parish, 145 E. Main St., Fredonia. Doors open at 5 p.m.; bingo begins at 7.
Children in the Stream/ 4H Youth Fly Fishing program class
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, Costello Room, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Open to children over 12 (younger if accompanied by an adult), faculty, staff and community members of all ages. Classes and supplies provided at no cost. No long-term commitment is needed.
Dunkirk Memorial American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 meeting
Post 62, 211 Central Ave., Dunkirk, 7 p.m. New members welcome.
Cinema Series: “Ordinary Angels”
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 7:30 p.m. Stars Hillary Swank and Alan Ritchson in the story of working together to obtain a liver transplant for the widower’s daughter. $7 adults, $6.50 seniors and Opera House members, $5 students.
Fredonia Trombone Ensemble
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
TOPS NY No. 890 meeting
First United Presbyterian Church, 35 Park Place, Silver Creek. Weigh-ins begin at 8:45 a.m., meeting starts at 9:35 a.m. All are welcome. Use the Main Street entrance. For details, call 716 680-0313.
Robert H. Jackson Center presents: Within the Silence (Japanese Internment in America) 305 E. Fourth St., Jamestown, 10 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 2 p.m. or 7 to 8 p.m.Free event, registration required due to space limitations. Call 716 483-6646.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Child’s Play
15 Main St., 1 p.m. For ages birth to pre-school. Participate in stories, songs and fingerplays, Take away craft or activity for extended learning. Register at 716 962-5885.
TOPS NY #1094 of Brocton meeting
Tri-Church, 35 E. Main St., Brocton. Weigh-ins at 2 p.m., meeting at 2:30 p.m. All are welcome to visit with new friends and get help losing weight. For details, contact Kathy at 716 792-4226.
East Town of Dunkirk Ladies’ Auxiliary Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary Chiavetta’s chicken barbecue
10949 S. Roberts Road, 4 to 6 p.m. Drive through or dine in. $15 includes chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and a roll. Proceeds go toward new equipment.
Small business pop up workshop
Valley Outdoors, 16 S. Main St., Cassadaga, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Hosted by the Small Business Development Center and Cassadaga Community and Business Alliance. For current, new and potential business owners to learn about support services available through local county, public and private organizations. Free of charge.
Brass ensemble at the Prendergast Library
509 Cherry St., Jamestown, Library’s Fireplace Room, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet with the performers follows. Free, open to the public.
Chautauqua County Health Department community forum on Fredonia’s water issues
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 6 p.m.
Lakeshore Humane Society Wednesday open adoption hours
The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is welcome to see the dogs and cats in need of loving homes. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week by leaving a message at 716 672-1991; press “1” for dogs or “2” for cats. One must be 21 years of age or older to adopt a pet. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.
Movies at the Reg: “One Life”
Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, 116 E. Third St., Jamestown, 7 p.m. The incredible true story of broker Nicky Winton, who rescued hundreds of Czechoslavakian children, predominantly Jewishk before the Nazis closed the borders. Fifty years later, he (played by Anthony Hopkins) is haunted by those he couldn’t save. $7 admission fee and $1 theater restoration fee.
Lake Shore Coin Club
Dunkirk Elks Club, 428 Central Ave., 7 p.m. Members gather for discussion, raffles, treats and coin sales. Club meets the second Wednesday of the month.
Robert H. Jackson Center presents: Within the Silence (Japanese Internment in America)
305 E. Fourth St., Jamestown, 9 to 10 a.m. or 1 to 2 p.m. Free event, registration required due to space limitations. Call 716 483-6646.
Thursday Knitting Group
St. Joseph’ Roman Catholic Church, 145 E. Main St., Fredonia, 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Many of the creations are donated to local charities, or attendees can work on their own projects. For details or to donate unused yarn, call 716 785-6039.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: School-age storytime with Miss Amy
43 Main St., SIlver Creek, 10:30 a.m. For children ages 6 to 12. Stories, crafts, games and other activities. Limit of 10 children, pre-registration requested. Call 716 934-3468.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: Preschool storytime with Miss Jill
43 Main St., SIlver Creek, 10:30 a.m. For children ages 2 to 5. Reading, singing, rhymes and fun crafts. Limit of 10 children, pre-registration requested. Call 716 934-3468.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Story time and take-home craft kit
536 Central Ave., 11 a.m. to noon. For ages 2 to 5.
Swans and Other Spring Waterfowl
Community Connections at Findley Lake, 2883 North Road, 1 p.m. Presenters: Lin Baylis and Pam Watrous. Call 716 769-2473 to reserve a seat.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Life Story Writing and Geneaology (Hybrid)
15 Main St., 6 p.m. All materials provided (scrapbooking, etc.) Ages 8 and up. Learn about tracking your family’s genealogy. Registration required. Call 716 962-5885.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Spring Author Spotlight: Adrienne J. Ploss
536 Central Ave., DPL reading room, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Ploss is the author of “Go Back, You Forgot the Flowers.”
Dunkirk Elks bingo
Dunkirk Elks Lodge bingo will be held at 428 Central Ave. Doors open at 5 p.m. Admission sales begin at 6 p.m. Games start at 7 p.m.
Chautauqua Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours
Mazza Chautauqua Cellars, Route 20, Westfield, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Complimentary appetizers and a cash bar. Bring business cards for networking. Chamber member businesses can send two guests at no charge. Any additional guests and non-members pay $10 each. Registration appreciated, see
Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio Club meeting
Fredonia Technology Incubator, 214 Central Ave., Dunkirk, video conference room, second floor, handicapped accessible, 6 p.m. Anyone interested in radio is welcome to attend the meetings held the second Thursday of the month. For details, email
Steps to Serenity Al-Anon Group
Harvest Chapel Free Methodist Church, 39 Matteson St., Fredonia, conference room 6, 6 to 7:15 p.m. Enter from the canopy and ramp door entrances. For details, call 716 969-2395.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: LEGO Club
43 Main St., Silver Creek, 6:30 p.m. For ages 5 to 12. Build the challenge of the day, pick a challenge card or free build. Registration required. Call 716 934-3468. Free event.
Chautauqua County History Lecture Series: Midway Park
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 7 p.m. Park manager Christine Wilson will discuss Midway’s early days, transportation, the reason the park began and why it continues. Free event, donations accepted.
Chautauqua County Beekeepers Association meeting
Fluvanna Community Church, 3363 Fluvanna Ave., Jamestown, 7 p.m. Open to the public free of charge.
Narcotics Anonymous meeting
219 Central Ave., Fredonia, 8 to 9 p.m. Free to attend. The only requirement is the desire to stop using. All are welcome regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion. For details, visit
Fredonia Student Keyboard Association presents: piano recital
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Blessed Mary Angela Holy Name Society annual flea market and can drive
Social Center, 324 Townsend St., Dunkirk, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fredonia First Methodist Church series of watercolor classes: part 2
25 Church St., 9:30 a.m. to noon. Teacher: local artist Ronnie Lafferty. Register for each class desired by texting or calling 716 640-8199. Limit of 12 per class. All painting supplies provided. Donations appreciated. Bring 2 plastic containers for water, several white paper towels, old, small clean hand towel not exposed to fabric softener, two number 2 pencils. A time of faith building devotions at each class This week: Learn about and experiment with “washes.”
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Sinclairville Samplers
15 Main St., 10:30 a.m. to noon. Quilting, knitting, crochet, embroidering, fun with friends.
Darwin R. Barker Library presents: “Learning LIBBY”
7 Day St., Fredonia, 1 to 2:45 p.m. Learn how to navigate the electronic book and electronic audiobook reading app/website. Bring own smart device/ laptop or borrow a library laptop. Registration required, call 716 673-8051.
Beginning Bird ID Workshop
Audubon Community Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 5 to 6 p.m. Presented by the Chautauqua-Warren Birding Association, leader Devin Banning. Download the FREE Merlin Bird ID app onto their phone before the meeting and to download the “New York” bird pack.
CBA Vision Rehabilitation Service Dining in the Dark
Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, 10 Dunham Ave., Celoron, 5:30 p.m. Fundraiser and awareness building annual event. Socializing and cocktails, then each guest is blindfolded, led into a dining room by sighted guides who will assist them with their meals. Live and silent auction. $65 per person. Reservations by April 2. Call 716 664-6660.
Pump Boys and Dinettes Dinner Theater
Peek’n Peak 1405 Olde Road, Clymer, 7:30 p.m. Musical comedy featuring country western music. Dinner included. Tickets: $85 at
Fredonia World Music for Mallet Instruments
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Blessed Mary Angela Holy Name Society annual flea market and can drive
Social Center, 324 Townsend St., Dunkirk, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fredonia Farmers’ Market
Fredonia Masonic Lodge, 321 E. Main St., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. It features a variety of food vendors, crafts, artisans and prepared foods for sale. The market welcomes cash, credit cards, SNAP benefits.
Audubon Community Nature Center Little Explorers – Nature Sounds and Songs
1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Ages 3 to 8 with adult. Adults $12, Nature Center members $9, children 3 to 8 $9. Indoors and outdoors. Paid reservations by previous Thursday. Call 716 569-2345.
Anderson-Lee Library presents: Introduction to Beekeeping
43 Main St., Silver Creek, 10:30 a.m. Learn how to order honeybees, maintenance of hives, common diseases, how to make or order hive boxes, recommended pollinator plants and more. Presenters: Shannon Rinow, Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program Coordinator and Michael Rinow, v.p. Of Chautauqua County Beekeepers Association. Pre-registration appreciated. Call 716 934-3468. Free event.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Sundance Farms Baby Animals
536 Central Ave., 11 a.m. to noon. Free event for kids. Bunnies, chicks and more.
The Barn at Farrington Hollow Bridal Show
7459 Farrington Hollow Road, Cherry Creek, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Browse vendors, bridal gowns, wedding services. Chances for a variety of prizes. Registration required. Call 305 773-7205 for details.
Lakeshore Humane Society Saturday open adoption hours
The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from noon to 3 p.m. The public is welcome to see the dogs and cats in need of loving homes. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week by leaving a message at 716 672-1991; press “1” for dogs or “2” for cats. One must be 21 years of age or older to adopt a pet. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.
DownBeat Percussion – Official Drumline of the Buffalo Bills
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 2 p.m. Admission is free, but tickets are required. Call the box office at 716 679-1891 to reserve tickets. Limit of 4 tickets per reservation.
Trinity United Church of Christ free community meal
Erie Avenue and Park Street, Gowanda, take-out only, 4 to 6 p.m. or gone. The menu is goulash, tossed salad, bread and cookies. Free will donations appreciated but not necessary. Everyone is welcome.
Movies at the Reg: “Dune: Part 2”
Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, 116 E. Third St., Jamestown, 4 p.m. The mythic journey of Paul Atreides as he unites with Chani and the Fremen to avenge the destruction of his family. $7 admission fee and $1 theater restoration fee.
Cinema Series: “Cabrini”
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 7:30 p.m. Based on the true story of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant in 1889 and works to combat the circumstances of crime, disease and impoverished children in NYC. $7 adults, $6.50 seniors and Opera House members, $5 students.
Pump Boys and Dinettes Dinner Theater
Peek’n Peak 1405 Olde Road, Clymer, 7:30 p.m. Musical comedy featuring country western music. Dinner included. Tickets: $85 at
Erie Philharmonic Pops Series: “Broadway in Concert”
Warner Theatre, 811 State St., Erie, 8 p.m. For tickets see
Pump Boys and Dinettes Dinner Theater
Peek’n Peak 1405 Olde Road, Clymer, 2 p.m. Musical comedy featuring country western music. Dinner included. Tickets: $85 at
Erie Philharmonic Pops Series: “Broadway in Concert”
Warner Theatre, 811 State St., Erie, 3 p.m. For tickets see
Darwin R. Library presents: Preschool storytime
7 Day St., Fredonia, 10:30 a.m. Stories, movies, crafts, play. All children welcome. No registration necessary.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Books Unlimited Adult Fiction Book Club
15 Main St., 7 p.m. This month: “Homer’s Odyssey” by Gwen Cooper. Call 716 962-5885 to reserve a copy.
Fredonia Percussion Ensemble
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Grandparents caregiver support group meeting part 1
Cassadaga Branch Library, 18 Maple Ave., 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Four-part series. Refreshments provided. Email to register or for details.
Dunkirk Public Library presents: Story time and take-home craft kit
536 Central Ave., 11 a.m. to noon. For ages 2 to 5.
Cassadaga American Legion weekly bingo
Legion Post 1280, 228 Maple Ave., 1 p.m.
Youngerman Center stroke/head injury support group session
SUNY Fredonia, Thompson Hall, room E148, 3 p.m. Activities to help stroke and head injury survivors use compensatory strategies to improve communication skills, provides educational information, opportunities to socialize, share experiences. Light refreshments. Free, open to stroke/head injury survivors and their families. Contact Julie Williams, coordinator, (716) 673-4618 or (716) 673-3203, for more information about attending.
Tim Donahue reflects on His Multi-Faceted Life in Japan
SUNY Fredonia, Reed Library, The Garden at Reed, 3 p.m. American-born EMI recording artist Tim Donahue has carved a diverse music career spanning 10 solo albums, a Tokyo Philharmonic movie soundtrack, production of TV commercials and documentary music in Japan, alongside global performances on instruments he invented.
Darwin R. Library presents: After-school all-ages storytime
7 Day St., Fredonia, 4:15 p.m. Stories, movies, crafts, play. All children are welcome. No registration is necessary.
St. Joseph’s bingo
Bingo will take place at St. Joseph’s parish, 145 E. Main St., Fredonia. Doors open at 5 p.m.; bingo begins at 7.
Free Classic movie at Lake Shore Center of the Arts
49 S. Portage St., Westfield, 7 p.m. “Night of the Living Dead,” George Romero, 1968.
Children in the Stream/ 4H Youth Fly Fishing program class
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller Arts Center, Costello Room, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Open to children over 12 (younger if accompanied by an adult), faculty, staff and community members of all ages. Classes and supplies provided at no cost. No long-term commitment is needed.
Cinema Series: “Cabrini”
1891 Fredonia Opera House, 9 Church St., 7:30 p.m. Based on the true story of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant in 1889 and works to combat the circumstances of crime, disease and impoverished children in NYC. $7 adults, $6.50 seniors and Opera House members, $5 students.
Fredonia Guitar Quartets and Ensemble and Chamber Made Guitar
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
TOPS NY No. 890 meeting
First United Presbyterian Church, 35 Park Place, Silver Creek. Weigh-ins begin at 8:45 a.m., meeting starts at 9:35 a.m. All are welcome. Use the Main Street entrance. For details, call 716 680-0313.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Child’s Play
15 Main St., 1 p.m. For ages birth to pre-school. Participate in stories, songs and fingerplays, Take away craft or activity for extended learning. Register at 716 962-5885.
TOPS NY #1094 of Brocton meeting
Tri-Church, 35 E. Main St., Brocton. Weigh-ins at 2 p.m., meeting at 2:30 p.m. All are welcome to visit with new friends and get help losing weight. For details, contact Kathy at 716 792-4226.
Sinclairville Free Library presents: Homeschool Hour Makey Makey STEM Adventure 15 Main St., 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Register at 716 962-5885.
Knights of Columbus Council 929 all you can eat spaghetti dinner
Corner of Lynx and Third streets, Dunkirk, 4 to 7 p.m. DOnation: $10 adults, $5 children under 12, homemade desserts available for extra cost.
Lakeshore Humane Society Wednesday open adoption hours
The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is welcome to see the dogs and cats in need of loving homes. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week by leaving a message at 716 672-1991; press “1” for dogs or “2” for cats. One must be 21 years of age or older to adopt a pet. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.
New Horizons Band
SUNY Fredonia, Rockefeller King Concert Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Fredonia African Drumming Ensembles
SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.