Fredonia Radio Systems delivers Rockin’ the Commons funds to Roswell Park
Nearly all members of the Fredonia Radio Systems’ (FRS) eboard at the State University of New York at Fredonia took a very important road trip to Buffalo, NY, to deliver a $1,445 check, representing proceeds raised at Rockin’ the Commons, to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The year’s tally topped the money raised by the 2022 event by some $300. The funds will be applied to cancer research, treatment and prevention programs at Roswell.
Roswell Park Alliance Foundation representatives Allison Lockwood, fundraising manager; and Amanda Berg, special events coordinator, joined the students in a check presentation ceremony in October at the Scott Bieler Clinical Sciences Center, a 142,000-square-foot facility adjacent to the Roswell Park main hospital.
FRS raised the money at the event on Sept. 23. More live music as well as activities hosted by FREDGrows and the student Psychology Club – both first-time participants – were featured this year.
“I’d like to thank everyone who helped out that day. Whether it was working a table, hosting an activity, donating or just coming out to listen to the music, it means a lot,” said FRS General Manager Hunter Halterman. “Your support is what made our Roswell donation.”
Sales of food, CD and vinyl discs helped to generate the funds.