
Some simple ways to stay active

Physical activity is an important component of overall health. Health experts advise that exercise can increase lean body mass, prevent conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, improve balance, and positively affect mental health/cognition. Exercise also can foster socialization with others, helping people overcome boredom and isolation.

As individuals get older, they may not be able to participate in all of the activities they enjoyed as youths, but that doesn’t mean older adults must resign themselves to sedentary lifestyles. There are plenty of entertaining ways to remain physically active that can accommodate any limitations a person may have. Explore these methods for staying active.

Explore senior center offerings. Community senior centers often fill calendars with a vast array of activities, some of which can include physical activities.

• Garden or do yard work. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotions says adults should get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

• Play games with grandchildren.

• Take up a new hobby.


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