
Community Notebook

SOAR Chapter meets Wednesday

SOAR Chapter 4-1 will meet Wednesday at the First Ward Falcon Club in Dunkirk at 6 p.m. A short meeting will be followed by a Christmas Party. The event is open to members and their guests. For further information, contact Jim Bickhart at 716-366-1485.

Ornament making planned at library

BROCTON – The seventh annual program of Making Ornaments from Natural Objects, will be held on Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Ahira Hall Memorial Library in Brocton. No prior art or crafting experience required. Pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited. For more information contact the library at (716) 792-9418 or Director@AhiraHall.org.

Club Associates holds

monthly meeting

The Northern Chautauqua County Club Associates recently held their regular monthly meeting at the Fredonia Beaver Club, Prospect Street, Fredonia.

Club President Dave George welcomed the group. The meeting was opened with the pledge of allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for all deceased club members.

Secretary Jim Pryll read the minutes of the last meeting, and treasurer, Tom Halicki, gave the financial report.

Guests included Fredonia Mayor Doug Essek, and his wife Julie.

Discussions were held about the use of lottery numbers, and the Veterans Nonprofit Capital Program offered by New York state. Upcoming events by clubs were announced.

The next meeting of the Association will be on Sunday, Dec. 17, at the Dunkirk Elks Lodge. Any club member is invited.

Letters to Santa being


The Fredonia-Pomfret Recreation Department will be teaming up with the Fredonia Post Office and Santa Claus again to accept letters for Christmas.

Letters can be deposited in the Fredonia Post Office Lobby in a special receptacle marked “Letters to Santa” during normal business hours. To assure delivery, letters should be received by Tuesday, Dec. 21. Santa Letters require no postage, but a clear return address is very important.


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