
Community notebook

Rural Cemeteries federation meets June 12

SILVER CREEK — Chautauqua County Federation of Rural Cemeteries will host its annual meeting at Hanover Fire Center Hall, 11919 Hanover Road. Registration will be from 9 to 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12. The luncheon will cost $15. From thr New York state Division of Cemeteries, Cindy Craig and Micheal Catena will be speakers.

Reservations by email can be sent to evergreenlawncemeteryofhanover@gmail.com or call Cheryl Robinson at 716-934-8226. Please place reservations by June 1.

Open house set

for Saturday

SHERIDAN — The Sheridan Historical Society will hold an open house on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome to browse through the many historical displays and local artifacts.

Members will be on hand to answer questions. The Historical Society Building is located at the corner of Rt 20 and Center Road.

Library plans

musical events

SINCLAIRVILLE — The Sinclairville Free Library invites the public to participate in musical adventures at the library with jam sessions led by Rico Garfalo on the following Thursdays at 6 p.m on May 30, June 27, July 25 and Aug. 29.

Bring your voices and/or instruments and come together to make music in our community. Audience members are also welcome, so please come to listen and encourage participants. A Yamaha electric keyboard and an acoustic guitar are available for use during jam sessions.

Family Sing Along will be on Monday, July 15 at 6 p.m.led by Hope Fredrickson. These musical adventure programs are free and open to all ages. Adventure Begins at Your Library is this year’s summer reading program theme, and plans are in the works for other musical adventures such as hand drumming as well as Art Adventures, Adventures in Ancestry and Adventures in Science. Please like our Facebook page and visit the library’s website at www.sinclairvillelibrary.org for information about upcoming events at the library. The library is located at 15 Main St. and can be reached by calling 716-962-5885. The library will be closed on Monday to observe Memorial Day.

Sons of Legion meet Tuesday

Sons of the American Legion Squadron 59 will hold their annual meeting and elections Tuesday at Post 59, 156 E Main St., Fredonia at 7 p.m.

Officers nominated to serve Squadron 59 Sons of the American Legion are: Rodney Dziduch, commander; Brandon Leach, adjutant; Larry Fiorella, treasurer; Doug McPherson, first vice; Dave Schanzlin, second vice; Colin Hart, third vice; Rick Holly, sergeant at arms; Tom Muldowney, historian; and Dave Denger, chaplain;

Plans for the newly structured Meat Bingo will be discussed and finalized. The date is June 15 at 6 p.m. at the post.


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