
Fredonia sets NY Main Street info session

The village of Fredonia will host an informational meeting for its New York Main Street program Friday at 6 p.m. in the second floor trustees meeting room at Village Hall.

New York Main Street is designed to enliven downtowns through funding to make improvements to storefronts and upper residential apartments. Eligible applicants can apply to receive up to $50,000 for commercial only improvements and up to $100,000 for qualifying mixed-use properties which include residential units in the renovation.

The information session will be led by representatives from LaBella Associates, the consultant team selected to support the village in administering the NY Main Street program. The LaBella team has guided several communities through similar NY Main Street projects, Restore NY projects, and DRI/NY Forward projects and will share these experiences with Fredonia property owners.

The information session will review the rules and expectations of the NY Main Street program, highlight lessons learned from past projects, and offer property owners an opportunity to ask questions about the projects they are considering. The NY Main Street information has been added to the Village of Fredonia’s website, along with the application and tips to help property owners know if they’re ready to start their projects.

Please visit www.villageoffredoniany.com to access the application and to learn more about the NY Main Street program or email Christina Paradowski at cparadowski@labellapc.com. Applications for NY Main Street projects must be submitted and received by noon on Wednesday, May 17 to be considered.

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