
Westfield Farmers and Artisan Market starts this Saturday

For the past 18 years, Westfield has held a Farmers and Artisans Market. It opens Saturday and continues each Saturday through Sept. 28.

The market, which currently has 34 full-time vendors in arts and crafts, will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Heading up this very popular market for the past 13 years in Kate Mayer. The Westfield Farmers and Artisans Market is registered with the state of New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. Mayer stated “it exceeds the state requirements for locally produced products.”

She added this means that all the agriculture and foods grown make at 50% of what they sell and the Artisan craft vendors make 100% of what they sell. All the craft items must be hand crafted by the vendor. The booths are 12 feet by 12 feet and this event is widely accepted as the best and largest markets in Western New York.

All this takes place in Moore Park and there is plenty of available parking. There is also a flea market in the park near the museum.

There will be live music and good vendors.

Thanks to the Kiwanis of Westfield and the Knights of Columbus all the proceeds come right back to the community. Last year the money raised paid for all the materials needed for school supplies.

For additional information go to www.westfieldny.com


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