
Citizens for a Better Cassadaga gets defibrillator with help from NCCF

Pictured from left: Peter George, President of Citizens for a Better Cassadaga; Bill Astry, CBC member and Village of Cassadaga Deputy Mayor and installer of AED; Eileen Ardillo, NCCF Grants Coordinator; and Cynthia Flaherty, Vice President of CBC and Cassadaga Trustee

CASSADAGA – The Citizens for a Better Cassadaga would like to extend a thank you to the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation for the new AED and case now installed in the Cassadaga Community Room at the Cassadaga Fire Hall.

The funding for this project was made available through the Community Grants program. New in 2024, New York State regulations require that an AED (Automated Emergency Defibrillator) be present at any gathering of 75 or more people. Thanks to the Community Foundation, the Cassadaga Community Room is now in compliance and can host its full capacity of 108.

“This is just one of the many projects in Cassadaga that NCCF has provided funding for. The Citizens for a Better Cassadaga and the entire Village of Cassadaga appreciates the generosity of this foundation that works so hard to make the entire Northern Chautauqua County a better place to live,” said CBC Vice President Cindy Flaherty.


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