
Workshop on Great Lakes resilience set for August

The group will tour local coastal resilience project sites along Lake Erie to learn about real-world ways to address shoreline challenges.

New York Sea Grant and the Center for Great Lakes Literacy have announced 15 educators and teachers representing 12 school districts and organizations will gather on Aug. 2 in Dunkirk for an all-day Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Workshop.

The group will tour local coastal resilience project sites along Lake Erie to learn about real-world ways to address shoreline challenges that require science and engineering, and later will participate in a collaborative work session with New York Sea Grant Great Lakes Literacy Specialist Nate Drag to incorporate the local sites into their classroom curricula and lesson plans.

At the SUNY Fredonia Center for Innovation and Economic Development, the group will engage in an interactive watershed management board game known as The Watershed Game, developed by Minnesota Sea Grant. Participants will receive a copy of the game for use with their classes.

“The goal of New York Sea Grant professional development programming is to equip teachers and educators through hands-on learning with the knowledge and resources to develop and implement lessons and curricula plans focused on the challenges facing the Great Lakes,” said Drag.

The Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Workshop qualifies for continuing education credit and is the second of five New York Sea Grant professional development workshops focused on New York’s unique Great Lakes ecosystem, species, and climate for teachers and educators during the summer of 2024. Themes for the other workshops include climate change adaptation and the role of plankton in the aquatic food web.

To learn about New York Sea Grant’s Great Lakes literacy programming, resources, and professional development training for teachers with stipends for attendance and travel, contact Nate Drag, New York Sea Grant, nwd4@cornell.edu, 716-673-6612, https://nyseagrant.info/2024GLEEESummerWorkshops.

New York Sea Grant is a cooperative program of Cornell University and the State University of New York, with a statewide network of integrated research, education, and extension services promoting coastal community resilience and economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and public awareness of New York state’s Great Lakes and marine resources.

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