
Keeping the lights on

The dogs and cats at the Lakeshore Humane Society’s Adoption Center in Dunkirk will now be safer and more comfortable during a power outage thanks to a very generous donation by Muck Electric, LLC. The business donated and installed free of charge a Generac air-cooled standby generator, which is powerful enough to keep everything running during a power outage, even the air conditioning. Pictured is the Muck family with the generator at the location: Skyler, James, Steven, and Ericka, who also volunteers at Lakeshore Humane Society. Their dogs are all rescues from LHS: Luna, Haley, and Oscar. Muck Electric can be contacted at 716-965-6010 or office@muckelectric.com. For information about the Lakeshore Humane Society and the companion animals at LHS’s Adoption Center waiting for loving homes, see lakeshorehumanesociety.org.

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