
Silver Creek Senior Citizens meet

SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on November 5 with 20 members in attendance. Vice President Janice Snyder opened the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag and all singing God Bless America. Lunch consisted of chili and desserts.

The 50-50 winners were Elaine Wojda, Annette Hoeber and Eleanor Lemiszko. Winners of the door prizes were Lorrie Newman, Judy Domanski and Jeanne Blakely. Wheel of Fortune lucky winners included: Janice (twice), Jan Polisoto, Al Wilson and Joan Suski. Lorrie called bingo and the winners were: Judy D., Jan P., Annette, Judy Hahn (twice), Randy Nurmi (3 times), Eleanor (twice), Harry Suski and Norra Carroll.

Next week’s lunch will be potluck. The Silver CReek Senior Group meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. Call Lorrie for information at 716-785-1074.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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