
Village resolution backs new Brooks-TLC

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration is being urged to release funds for a new Brooks-TLC Hospital in Fredonia under a resolution passed this week by the village Board of Trustees.

The measure asks Hochul and the state Health Department to “approve the proposed new hospital, and medical complex for Brooks Hospital and release the previously appropriated grant funds.” It also seeks “additional funding in the 2023-24 state budget to fully fund any inflationary increases in construction costs since 2017.”

As noted in the resolution, the state appropriated $57 million for the new hospital in 2016, under an Essential Health Care Provider Support grant. A 2017 grant of $17 million was to assist Kaleida Health in supporting the hospital.

The Fredonia trustees’ measure also points out how the hospital plan was vetted and approved by a task force. The “blue-ribbon task force consisting of local health care experts” met extensively in 2022 with Brooks Hospital CEO Ken Morris, health care experts from Freed Maxick and executives from Kaleida Health.

After “reviewing and evaluating a tremendous amount of health care and financial data and other relevant information, the task force unanimously recommended proceeding with the proposed new hospital building and adjoining medical office complex.”

Monday’s resolution also reminds Hochul of her statement Jan. 23 in Dunkirk, during a “press gaggle” after her announcement of $10 million in Downtown Revitalization Initiative funds for the city. She said a new Brooks hospital is “important,” could be a “job creator,” and added, “You need a place to get care when you are sick.”

Fredonia’s move comes about a month after the Chautauqua County Legislature sent a similar resolution of support to Albany.


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