
Water remarks draw criticism in Pomfret

OBSERVER Photo by M.J. Stafford Pomfret Town Supervisor Dan Pacos is disputing Fredonia Trustee James Lynden’s recent comments on local water issues.

Pomfret Town Supervisor Dan Pacos read out a response to Fredonia Trustee James Lynden’s recent comments about local water issues at the September Pomfret Town Board meeting.

Pacos never named Lynden, but it was clear he was talking about him. The supervisor initially addressed Lynden’s comments that Fredonia already has water hookups with the North County Water District.

“I need to clarify that,” he said. “The village of Fredonia has no connections to the North Chautauqua County Water District lines.

There are connections on the east and west side of the town of Pomfret, where Pomfret water lines are connected to the North Chautauqua County Water District main lines.”

It’s worth noting that Pacos is also the chairman of the NCWD’s board. Pomfret does water business with both Fredonia and the district.

Pacos also sought to clarify the status of the connections.

The one at the Pomfret-Portland line has been operational for several months, he said.

“The connection on the east side of Pomfret (at the town of Sheridan border) was held up for over a year due to supply chain issues with the emergency generator that is required for the pumping station,” Pacos went on.

The connection work is complete, but it’s not operational yet until National Grid installs an electrical connection to a pump station. “That’s our last holdup,” Pacos said.

He then addressed Lynden’s repeated comments that the NCWD is trying to “poach” water customers from Fredonia.

“I want to make it clear that the NCWD is not in any way trying to force the village of Fredonia to join the county water district,” he said. “The village was given the chance to be a participant in the water district when it was formed years ago, and the village declined.” That was the village’s “sole decision” and the water district board does not intend, and never has, to “strong arm the village into joining.”

Pacos then addressed Lynden’s comments that the water district badly needs customers or it might wind up insolvent.

“I’m not sure where he is getting his information, but he is not correct,” Pacos said. “The water district is a fledgling organization and is working to cover its start up costs that have been incurred over its first few years of operation.”

Pacos said he works closely with the district’s accounting firm to review finances.

“We have made great strides to correct a number of operational issues that have held the water district back, and I am confident we are on solid ground moving forward,” Pacos concluded. “It is the intention of the board of directors to make sure that our residents have a safe, reliable water supply for many years to come, with or without additional water customers.”


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