
Fredonia won’t pay for parks grant prep

Fredonia has decided not to pay a consultant for Environmental Protection Fund grant application preparation.

The trustees voted, 4-1, last month to table the payment, with Trustee David Bird the “no” vote. Michael Cocquyt of LaBella was to be paid $3,500. The annual grant is intended for parks improvements.

LaBella is also preparing a comprehensive study of Fredonia’s water system, which is expected to advise a future course of action for it.

Trustee Jon Espersen said during the workshop portion of the session, “With the work that Michael will be performing for us by the end of the fiscal year as far as our water situation goes, I would have a hard time approving expending those funds for that, so I would move that we table that resolution for now.”

“I think we should vote on it,” said Bird.

“I agree about tabling it,” Trustee Michelle Twichell said. “I really think we can take a look at this next year. It’s the type of grant we can apply for next year.”

Trustee James Lynden reported that state engineers said there are no large grants available this year for the type of improvements the parks need. “We’d be better off waiting for next year and utilizing these funds in a better way,” Lynden said.

That essentially ended the discussion, with Bird conceding “that makes three,” enough votes to get the resolution tabled. The vote to table Cocquyt’s payment came a few minutes later.


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