
Boil order issued in Fredonia

A boil-water order for all village of Fredonia water customers, including those in the town of Pomfret, has been issued until further notice.

The cleaning of the tank at the water treatment plant resulted in water with elevated levels of turbidity entering the distribution system; this water could contain harmful microbes. Boiling the water kills bacteria and other microbes that may be present.

All Fredonia water users must boil water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth and making coffee until further notice. Water must be brought to a rolling boil for one minute then cooled prior to use. Boiled or bottled water must be used to wash dishes by hand; dishes should be allowed to completely air dry after washing.

Home dishwashers that reach a temperature of 170⁰F and have a full dry cycle do not need boiled or bottled water. The water may be used for bathing as long as it is not consumed. The water is safe for laundry.

Contractors began cleaning out the clear well at the Webster Road holding tank, Fredonia Mayor Michael Ferguson said Tuesday evening.

There are three more days of cleaning set, Ferguson said. Workers start each day at 6:30 a.m. and end work at 4 p.m.

Boil-water orders have become commonplace in the village over the last 15 years. Since 2009, there have been eight of these orders — including four in the last 14 months.

Additionally, the issue has become polarizing for some. A group of about 200 residents who represent the Save Our Reservoir group are trying to keep the current and antiquated system in operation. While they have vocally spoken against a plan approved by the village to have water delivered from the city of Dunkirk, the remainder of the community has remained fairly quiet.

At an informational meeting last week, county Health Department officials and professors from the State University of New York at Fredonia outlined numerous challenges facing the deteriorating plant and its location. About 90 residents attended the gathering.


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