
Grants add to ‘value’: NCCF awards $95,965 to partners

Dave Travis, NCCF President; Jeannie Gallaway, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club of Northern Chautauqua County; and Kelly Borrello, Board Member, Boys & Girls Club of Northern Chautauqua County

Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation (NCCF) remains committed to fostering a vibrant and prosperous community through strategic grantmaking, collaboration, and local philanthropy. This commitment was recently demonstrated as the NCCF’s Board of Directors approved Community Benefit Grants totaling $95,965, supporting 19 deserving local organizations serving the northern Chautauqua region.

The biannual Community Benefit Grants Program helps drive positive change by providing vital funding to organizations serving our community. Supported by NCCF’s Community Funds and the many donors who have chosen to establish or contribute to these funds, the grants play a pivotal role in advancing the collective well-being of our community.

“When combined with the passion and expertise of our community partners, the impact of these grants extends far beyond their monetary value,” remarked Diane Hannum, Executive Director of NCCF.

Recipients of the 2024 Spring Community Benefit Grants Program are: Ahira Hall Memorial Library; Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio Club; Art Services Inc.; Boys & Girls Club of Northern Chautauqua County; Chautauqua Children’s Gym; Chautauqua County Rural Ministry; Child Advocacy Program of Chautauqua County; Citizens for a Better Cassadaga; Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County; Dunkirk Police Department; FeedMore WNY; Peace in Nature-Wildlife Sanctuary; Public Access Channel 5; Ripley Community Mobile Food Pantry; The Salvation Army; Scott Creek Collaborative; United Way of Northern Chautauqua County; YMCA Camp Onyahsa and YWCA of Westfield

A comprehensive list of grant recipients and additional details can be found at www.nccfoundation.org/grant-awards.

Dave Travis, NCCF President; Lt. Tatyana Rivera, Salvation Army; Sylvester Cleary, NCCF Secretary.

The success of the Community Benefit Grants Program is made possible through the generosity of donors to NCCF’s Community Funds.

These funds serve as the backbone of our grantmaking efforts, enabling us to address critical needs and seize opportunities for growth. Community Funds also support NCCF’s efforts in local economic development, nonprofit capacity building, and more. To establish your own, named Community Fund, or to contribute to Community Funds, please visit www.nccfoundaiton.org, or contact NCCF for more information at 716-366-4892 or nccf@nccfoundation.org.

Letters of interest for the Fall 2024 Community Grants Program are due by Sept. 1. NCCF’s Grants Committee, made up of volunteers from the community, carefully reviews all letters of interest and applications received. Current Grants Committee members are Jody Falkner (Committee Chair), Adam Dimitri, Margaret Ferris, Kathy George, Cathy Kaicher, Alex Murphy, Betsy Swanson and Kurt Warmbrodt. Dave Travis is the NCCF President.

Since its incorporation in 1986, the NCCF has invested more than $21 million in northern Chautauqua County through strategic grantmaking, targeted scholarships, and leadership and community collaborations. The NCCF is a tax-exempt charitable organization inherently committed to enhancing the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy. As a nationally accredited community foundation, the NCCF has proven compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, demonstrating integrity, equity, accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in meeting the needs of its community. For more information on the NCCF, visit www.nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892.


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