
Lions honor longtime member during meeting

Lion Ann Lee presents Lion Peter Clark with a cake, celebrating 50 years. Lion Judy Cole is pictured in the background.
Lion Ann Aiken of the Mayville Lions gave a talk and slide show about Helen Keller.

The Dunkirk Fredonia Lions Club honored longtime member Peter D. Clark, Sr. for his 50 year membership in the club at its recent meeting.

Clark is currently the longest serving member of the club. Lions Club members and Peter’s family were in attendance as he was presented with an award and a celebratory cake following a buffet meal at the First Ward Falcon’s club.

Mr. Clark has been a Lion since 1974 and has been the recipient of many awards including Lion of the Year, an Uplinger Award, and a Melvin Jones Fellowship. He has held several offices within the club, and has served the club in many ways including working on the speech and hearing screenings that were done for 25 years at Fredonia State in conjunction with the College and Chautauqua Blind Association. Lion Clark also spearheaded the Veterans’ trip to Washington some years ago, and served as chairman of the Breakfast with Santa event for 45 years. He is currently serving as chair of the Hearing committee. The Dunkirk Fredonia Lions Club is proud to celebrate Clark’s half century of service to Lions.

The club was also treated that evening to a presentation by Zone Chair Lion Ann Aiken of the Mayville Lions, who gave a talk and slide show about Helen Keller. Lion Aiken shared with the club information on Helen’s growing up, her speech and hearing infirmities, her relationship with her teacher, Anne Sullivan, and also, Helen’s connection to Chautauqua Institute. It is noted that it was Helen Keller, who, at an international convention of the Lions Club in 1925, in Cedar Point, Ohio, asked the assembled Lions members to, “be the knights of the blind.” This gave Lions Club the direction they were looking for and they took up the cause and continue to work to eradicate preventable blindness and assist those who are sight challenged.


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