
Attempt to cool ‘hot mic’ ignored

The political gamesmanship never ends in government and the last Dunkirk Common Council meeting offered a taste of that.

Councilman-at-Large Nick Weiser, a Democrat who just took office in January, made an attempt to limit “hot mic” comments that have been audible on council meeting broadcasts. Longtime Republican council members Nancy Nichols and James Stoyle basically ignored him.

“I expect that proper decorum will be maintained throughout the course of these meetings, that sidebar conversations will be kept to a minimum, especially if you’re on microphone,” Weiser said as the meeting began.

Not too long after, as the public comments portion of the meeting began, Stoyle cracked: “This’ll be good.”

Nichols and Stoyle were whispering after a citizen inquired about handicapped parking near the boat launch. “I’m gonna talk into the microphone,” Nichols commented.

Stoyle and Nichols later could be heard speaking softly in the background when Weiser had his report time.

During a meeting last fall, one council member whispered a profanity while the microphone was on after an award was presented to a city employee.

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