Achieving at home: Troop 267 celebrates honors
On June 17, Fredonia’s Scout Troop 267, sponsored by American Legion Post 59 in Fredonia, held a Court of Honor.
The Court of Honor ceremony began with the Advancement of Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, and recitation of the Scout Oath and Scout Law led by Master of Ceremonies, Senior Patrol Leaders (SPL) Natasha Kemp (girls), and Charlie Cinque (boys). Chaplain Walter Sedlmayer shared the opening prayer.
Committee Chairperson Marianne Bowers welcomed the Scouts and their families. SPL Cinque announced the Troop’s rank advancements. Scoutmaster Todd Proffitt awarded the 1st Class rank advancement to Tyler Field, Owen Lukach, and Eli Williams.
Four scouts earned their Tenderfoot rank advancement: Jakob Barkley, Kam Johnson, Christopher Luebke, and Liadan Quinn. Eli Williams also simultaneously earned his 2nd class scout rank, and three more scouts were recognized for their Life Scout rank advancement: Aaron Cook, Ryan Cook, and Ben Spengler.
SPL Natasha Kemp announced and presented 11 merit badges earned since the March Court of Honor. Nathan Balch earned the Emergency Preparedness merit badge. Jakob Barkley earned the Fire Safety merit badge. Aaron Cook and Ryan Cook earned their Snow Sports merit badge. Tanner Damon and Owen Lukach earned the Art merit badge.
Tyler Field and Kam Johnson earned the Forestry merit badge. Henry Hegna completed the Programming merit badge. Ralphie Mueller earned the Orienteering merit badge, and Ben Spengler completed the Cooking merit badge. SPL Cinque and Kemp presented Totin’ Chip Emblems to Chris Luebke, Jakob Barkley, Kam Johnson, and Liam McMurray. The Totin’ Chip is an award to a Scout who understands how to use bladed instruments safely.
The Scouts Read Sacred Texts Patch was awarded to Natasha Kemp as a part of the National Day of Prayer. Additionally, several members of the Troop participated in the annual Soap Box Derby.
The Senior Patrol Leaders presented service stars to Cayden Macguire and Zachary Macguire for 2 years of service and Natasha Kemp for 5 years of service. Four adult volunteers were recognized: Adrian Balch, one year; Andrea Spengler, Kristen Cook, and Phil Cook, two years; Todd Proffitt and Dustin Lukach, four years; and Ron Bowers, seven years. Life Scout Kemp announced and recognized the outgoing officers who held leadership positions for the Troop. The scouts were presented with certificates for their service.
SPL Cinque announced the new officers who will hold leadership positions for the Troop and inducted the new Senior Patrol Leader, Adam Lukach. Natasha Kemp will also retain the Senior Patrol Leader position for the term. SM Proffitt announced the upcoming troop events. Many scouts will attend scout camp this summer at Camp Merz and Camp Massawepie. SM Proffitt thanked parents and the Troop’s committee members for the Troops’ continued support and success.
Parent volunteers and incoming Scoutmasters Joe and Carrie Ann Mueller hosted an additional campout at Camp Merz in late June to volunteer for Beaver Day and prepare camp for the summer camp season. Three scouts (Cinque and Lukach) received approval from the local committee and Council to begin their Eagle Scout projects; individual work (volunteer) days will be scheduled throughout the summer and fall. Two scouts recently hosted their Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremonies: Isaac Williams on April 20 at the American Legion and Lenieth Velez-Olmo on July 5 at Point Gratiot.
Both scouts’ projects were evaluated based on community impact, evidence of planning and development, and significant leadership to fulfill the Boy Scouts of America’s policies, procedures, and requirements.
Williams ‘Operation Save the Steelers’ Eagle Project included a fundraising and awareness campaign to increase participation in the Fredonia Steelers ice hockey program. As a junior high school student, Isaac also led a team of scouts to build shelves to safely organize and store team equipment.
Velez Olmo’s Eagle Project focused on developing outdoor educational activities in the Dunkirk community at Point Gratiot; Lenieth and his team built a Bug Hotel and a Match the Cube game to match seasons with animals and food at the new nature play area. SM Proffitt invited SPL Lukach to conduct the closing ceremony to Retire the Colors. Troop 267 meets on Mondays at 7 p.m. during the school year at American Legion Post #59, 156 E. Main St. in Fredonia. It is open to all boys and girls at least 11 years of age or who have completed the fifth grade. For more information about the Troop and how to join, visit the Troop’s website at