Clean audit report for Fredonia schools

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Board of Education member Brian Aldrich, pictured, commended Business Administrator John Forbes for helping the District secure a clean audit report.
While there has been plenty of talk about finances surrounding nearby municipalities and tax impacts of potential projects, the Fredonia Central School District has received a bit of good news regarding its finances.
Fredonia received an unmodified opinion in its external audit report, meaning the District is in good financial standing according to generally accepted principles. Laura Napoli of Bahgat and Laurito-Bahgat presented the audit report to the Board of Education at its recent meeting.
“That is the best audit opinion that you can receive,” Napoli stated to the Board.
The District maintains a fund balance of $3.69 million. The unassigned portion of fund balance is at 3.25%, under the limit of 4% that is often exceeded by Districts across the state. Fredonia was under the 4% limit last year, as well. Of the District’s $812,000 of assigned fund balance, $750,000 was allocated to reduce the tax impact for the 2024-2025 school year.
Board of Education member Brian Aldrich and Board President Steve Johnston both thanked John Forbes for his work to secure a positive outcome for the District through the audit report.
The District also appointed Lippes Mathias, Attorneys at Law, to serve the District for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year. Lippes Mathias, recommended by BOCES District Superintendent Dr. David O’Rourke, replaces Hodgson Russ due to a conflict of interest.
The District accepted the resignation of Daniel Kondrick, Special Education Teacher, effective Jan. 10. The Board also approved the termination of two Teacher Aides, Jamie Crabtree and Annabelle Westbrook. Those openings were filled by two new Teacher Aides, Diane Krystofiak and Gardenys Wuerstle.
Brittany White and Elizabeth Ocasio were granted permanent status in the role of Food Service Helper, while Sue Near resigned as Assistant Cook to accept the role of Food Service Helper. Kristin Plesewski was also appointed as a Food Service Helper in place of the role of Teacher Aide. Megan Ferguson returned to the District to accept the open position of Teacher Aide.
Three per diem substitutes were approved by the Board: Nikolay Fontanez, Miriam LaBarr, and Ella Koopman. Additionally, Mike Hodkin was approved as a volunteer assistant coach with the girls wrestling team.
The District approved two-dozen university students for fieldwork, observations, internships, and/or student teaching for the timeframe of Jan. 23 through May 8.
The Board also approved a field trip request by Brandy Noody, High School Art Teacher, to take students to Italy and Greece over spring break of the 2026-2027 school year, at no cost to the District. The trip will be covered through fundraising opportunities.
New York State Champion diver Elizabeth Pucci-Schaefer, who was in attendance at the meeting, received an ovation from the Board, along with fellow State finalist diver Leah Marsh.
The next meeting of the Fredonia Board of Education is Tuesday, Jan. 7.