ON A ‘MISSION’: Volunteers help clear Centaur Stride barn roof

Submitted photos Volunteers from Stanley Fire Co. in Sherman came to the rescue for Centaur Stride last week.
- Submitted photos Volunteers from Stanley Fire Co. in Sherman came to the rescue for Centaur Stride last week.
- Submitted photos Volunteers from Stanley Fire Co. in Sherman came to the rescue for Centaur Stride last week.
- Submitted photos Volunteers from Stanley Fire Co. in Sherman came to the rescue for Centaur Stride last week.
Centaur Stride Therapeutic Horseback Riding Facility is located on the Chautauqua Ridge, halfway between Westfield and Sherman. That is the snowbelt of Chautauqua County.
By Dec. 1, the snow load on the roof of the Coverall Indoor Arena was already taking its toll. Usually, the torpedo heaters high in the arena melt the snow off the tarp. It didn’t work this time, only making the snow ice up and adhere even worse to the tarp.
Staff member, Tyler Muka, worked hard to keep the snow away from the building with the snowblower and tractor. By Tuesday, it was near collapse. Barn manager, Jean Lozier, was seeking all possible solutions to get the snow off. Her brother, Ben, did what he could to try to get snow off, and was able to borrow a bucket truck from Trinity Electric in Jamestown, but the group did not have enough manpower.
Board President and cofounder, Claudia Monroe, put out a plea to the Westfield Fire Department, apparently the only local fire department with a ladder truck. Several Westfield Volunteer Firefighters came to the rescue to help get snow off the Coverall. “We are so lucky and grateful to have such wonderful and caring Volunteer Fire Companies in our small communities!” she said.

Submitted photos Volunteers from Stanley Fire Co. in Sherman came to the rescue for Centaur Stride last week.
Centaur Stride has been operating for 31 years, offering therapeutic riding to people with disabilities, in an integrated setting. It is truly the work of very dedicated volunteers, staff and the Board of Directors to try to overcome the many obstacles that continue to challenge us. Donations and fundraisers are our lifeline, with no money for emergencies.
The snow problems were still not yet resolved. The weight of snow on the main barn was heavy and with the prediction of rain coming, the weight would be even worse. Volunteers needed to shovel off the metal roof of the entire barn, and we needed help.
On Dec. 7, from 9 to 11 a.m., there was a call to action for the local community requesting volunteers to assist Centaur Stride, Inc, a not-for-profit, in their barn’s roof snow removal. With all the lake effect snow, many barns, including ours, have had high snow loads on their roofs risking collapse and a potential for disaster.
With a few calls to friends, volunteers, and a quick Facebook post, we were praying to have at least a few to shovel to avoid the risk of a roof collapse over the horse side of the barn.
“There are times where the community leaves you speechless and feeling beyond blessed. Between our staff, Jean Lozier and Savannah Chicora, volunteer program director, Holly Reslink, and our maintenance contractor, Ben Lozier, and local volunteers (The Chase family, Bradley Conway, The Mitchener family, Addison Lendt, Brandon Orr, , and the Stanley Hose Company of Sherman), we were able to get our therapy horses in a much safer environment with the majority of this heavy snow load removed. It gives us strength to know that our work and mission are appreciated!” Monroe said.

Submitted photos Volunteers from Stanley Fire Co. in Sherman came to the rescue for Centaur Stride last week.
The Centaur Stride Therapeutic Horseback Riding Board of Directors and staff cannot express enough how grateful we are to have such a great turn out in our emergency work day snow removal. “Without Stanley Hose Co. and our community stepping up, we would likely now be facing challenges too great to overcome!” Monroe said. “Thank you for helping us to continue to help others! Imagine how families of people with disabilities face everyday challenges. We are their community!
Also, the pancake breakfast that was scheduled for Dec. 7 at the United Methodist Church of Westfield had been canceled by the church following the weather report storm warnings. Centaur Stride had planned on having our Annual Basket Raffle at the church following the breakfast.
Since this was canceled, postponed our raffle until Saturday, Dec 14 at noon at Centaur Stride. Tickets are still available and can be purchased by contacting Claudia Monroe at 716 269-4386. Pictures of baskets can be found on our Facebook Page: Centaur Stride Therapeutic Riding.
“Last year, we provided over 1,500 lessons. We keep our fees very low, way below operating costs, to make it possible for more people to benefit from our programs,” Monroe said. “If you do the math, that means we need to have successful fundraisers and many donations. Grants do not cover operating expenses! All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!”
To make a donation, send to Centaur Stride, Inc., PO Box 174, Westfield, NY 14787.