Fredonia honors long-term village employees

Fredonia Mayor Michael Ferguson shakes the hand of longtime village employee Ron Siracuse after awarding him a certificate of recognition. In between the two is Trustee and Vice Mayor Jon Espersen. At left is Siracuse’s wife.
Fredonia’s government honored village employees with more than 25 years of service, at the start of the latest Board of Trustees meeting.
“This is something brand new,” Mayor Michael Ferguson said. It’s at the urging of the New York Conference of Mayors, which wants municipalities around the state to honor their long-term employees.
“In the original budget, we were getting everybody a new car, but unfortunately we cut that out,” Ferguson joked. The five honorees got big certificates instead, handed out by Ferguson and Trustee Jon Espersen in his role as vice mayor.
Ron Siracuse of the water department was the first honoree, joined by his wife. Ferguson called him “the guy who runs up on your lawn.”
Police Chief David Price and the police department’s Gregory Myers were then honored, followed by Kenny Porter of the wastewater treatment plant.
Ferguson said of Porter, “Virtually everybody who has met this man has told me how wonderful he’s been, not only to the community, but to his fellow workers, and how much they appreciate him.”
The fifth and final honoree was recently retired police officer Robert Tracy.
Ferguson concluded: “They gave thankless hours of time and effort and are always at the forefront of getting things done in the community. We appreciate your time, we appreciate your efforts, and I know the community does too.” He asked for, and received, applause for the honorees.
“Next year, we’ll have cars (for the honorees),” Ferguson cracked.