Volunteers, donors make dreams happen at Centaur Stride

A participant is helped to be able to ride a horse at Centaur Stride in Sherman.
Who would think that after all this time, there are still people in our community who have never heard of Centaur Stride or have never been to the facility?
It is true that we are all attuned to the things that have meaning or interest for us in our life. It is also true that unless you have a close relationship with someone with a disability, you probably have no pressing need to know who we are or what we do! But what if I told you that if you got to know about us, it could change your life in some very positive ways. It could be your next adventure or a path to a more meaningful or quality life!
We are located between Westfield and Sherman at 8488 Jones Road, Sherman. Our website is undergoing some changes but is active at www.centaurstride.org. We also have a Facebook Page at “Centaur Stride Therapeutic Horseback Riding Facility”. Please like and follow us.
Opened in 1993, Centaur Stride is a not-for-profit corporation with a mission of being a therapeutic and recreational facility that is inclusive, integrated for people with and without disabilities, and founded on the healing power of horses and nature to enhance overall well-being of mind and body. It was built specifically to meet the needs of people with disabilities, so inclusion and integration are a priority. Who doesn’t need a dose of mind and body healing?
Not many centers like ours exist because revenue is far less than expenses. Translation: there is no cash flow or reserves to keep the operations running! There are no grants that we have found or have been granted to cover operating expenses, and the labor involved to care for horses and provide a safe program for people who have special needs are considerable. Our fees for our programs are significantly below cost so that more people can afford to engage without financial hardship. Less than one third of our budget is from program fees. The rest is raised by fundraisers and donations. Volunteers help us to keep operating expenses down. Since some of our riders require up to three people to help them (one leader and two sidewalkers), besides the instructor, we rely heavily on our volunteers and are continuously recruiting volunteers (min age 13). Volunteers are needed for more than just the horseback riding portion. We also need people to help with fundraisers, grant writing, barn and facility maintenance, advisory board and more.
Throughout the years, so many people have helped to make Centaur Stride what it is, and to keep the doors open. Because of those people, we have been able to make a difference in the lives of so many people! (Most therapeutic riding centers close before the third year of operation!)
It is truly by the Grace of God, and the kindness of the people who are inspired to help us, that we are still here. Our dependence is clear.
The rewards for volunteering are many. It is true that the vessel through which kindness passes absorbs some of the joy that is bestowed to the recipient. Set aside some time to visit our center, sign up to volunteer or send a donation (Centaur Stride, Inc. PO Box 174, Westfield, NY 14787). Barn contact (716) 326-4318. Linktree site: https//linktr.ee/centaurstride
The co-founder, Claudia Monroe, is currently writing a book about the history of Centaur Stride, including how it started, the challenges and the rewards as well as many of the stories of the riders, and people who have helped over the years, and our amazing horses.