
Even with power, Dems in denial

Reading the recent commentary “Some unable to escape grip of Trumpism” (Sept. 3-4), I felt it was like reading an MSBC infomercial script. I was struck by the negativity and anger that was spewed in the lengthy tirade.

I was amused by the fact that she began by referencing Psychology 101 and Political Science 101. She obviously skipped the conversations on delusions because she certainly has delusional belief in the current administrations merits and the current situation in our country. I may not have been so concerned about the opinion in our local paper, until days later, during a prime time address to the country, the president appeared in front of a blood red backdrop with uniformed military, flanking him in the background. A chilling sight, reminiscent of political parties we fought to defeat. Then the chilling accusatory message that followed, as he degraded half of the country who did not support him and basically called them enemies of the State. If you are a Republican, a Trump supporter or a Make America Great Again supporter or basically just think Joe Biden is failing — you are evil! This was unprecedented in our political history. This man who claimed to be a unifier, proved he is nothing more than a shill for the Democratic Party. His raised voice, clenched fists and angry delivery was shocking!

As I reflected on his words and delivery I realized that his message was basically the same as the recent commentary.

The problem with Biden and the writer is they truly have lost touch with reality. Delusional — characterized by and holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder. For example, the writer asks, “Where is our support for law and order in real life?” Well, when the party “in power” advocates for ” defunding the police,” demoralizing our officers, allowing criminals to burn down cities, attack citizens, rob and murder at will, and creating an atmosphere where the criminal is the priority and not the victims — the answer is obvious.

The commentary also accuses people who are not in line with the Democrats agenda a cult but if we look closely at the word– it can be described as “a relatively small group of people having beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.”

My question would be who are the “cult” leaders, drivers of the Woke culture and embraced by the Democrats? That relatively small group who, for example, are changing the English language pronouns — to reflect what? Or using ridiculous terminology to replace norms as in calling mothers “birthing persons” or not being able to identify what a “woman” is? Or how about the small group who is advocating for the indoctrination of children regarding gender identification and surgical gender procedures on children.

School curriculums with explicit sexual information for children as young as elementary school, ignoring parents involvement and/or inviting drag queens in for library readings. Or ignoring the basic scientific fact that pregnancy is the process of developing a human being (science 101). The fact that a women has the right to chose is not in dispute but when will women understand that the men who were involved walk away with no more than a “thanks for taking care of that.” I could go on about the fentanyl drug poisoning and human trafficking, the illegal crossings at our southern border, the terrible military decisions but it is endless.

And to end on Politics 101 — it is true there was constant denial regarding the legitimacy of the presidential election. The losing candidate cried foul, supporters were crushed, every news commentator spoke of the outcome with shock! Ex-presidents called the outcome illegitimate! The candidate continued to claim victory, but alas Hillary Clinton just didn’t make it! Politics 101.

JoAnn Niebel is a Sheridan resident.


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