ERA state proposition looks discriminatory
This year’s New York state ballot contains the well-hidden and deceptively named “Proposition 1: Equal Rights Amendment.”
Upon reading this proposition, you should immediately ask yourself: What do they mean by equal rights? The language of Proposition 1 (Prop-1) brings to mind the scene in Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” where the leaders of the socialist collective (the Pigs) declare that “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
Well, folks, the Pigs are at it again, making themselves just a little more equal than you. Welcome to Orwell’s “double-speak.” War is peace. Famine is feasting. State sponsored discrimination is equality.
If you are not aware of Proposition 1, you need to learn before you vote, because its passage could have devastating effects on your family and your society. It will allow the state to take control of your children by exploiting youthful naivete, and you will become a serf on the State plantation, subject to state-sponsored racism and sexism.
How? Proposition 1, Section (a) says: “No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression … be subjected to any discrimination…”
Who can argue with that? Ending discrimination sounds good, right? That means no more race or gender discrimination, no more Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and no more affirmative action to institutionalize racism and gender-ism by the state.
That part sounds good. However, the “age discrimination” thing could go horribly wrong. Oops! Then you read Section (b): “Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination…”
Uh-oh! There is the kicker. Proposition 1 gives New York state the authority to enforce any form of discrimination against any group they choose, as long as the law is based on “good intentions” (who decides?).
This obvious sleight-of-hand enables the state to engage in mandatory social engineering, with you as the guinea pig.
Section (b) runs contrary to the equal protection clause of the U.S Constitution, so the State can now force you to pay reparations for any perceived grievance in which you never participated or benefited. They can force you to wait at the end of the line, or keep you from getting hired for a job for which you are the most qualified candidate. They can deny you healthcare or government aid based on race or gender — both have already been proposed by Kamala Harris for COVID and disaster aid. You are merely a pawn in the game of social engineering.
Other consequences of Proposition 1 that you must consider:
— Genetic XY males can compete in genetic XX female sports. Ironically, women’s sports were invented as a matter of “equal rights” for those with XX chromosomes. The twisted logic of the proposition absolutely perverts the concept of equal rights. Suck it up, XX ladies.
— New York state can legally ignore parental rights, and force parents and taxpayers to subsidize transgender surgeries and processes for the children, even against parents’ disapproval. If a 5-year old genetic XY male wakes up one day and wistfully tells his kindergarten teacher he wants to be a girl, the wheels are set in motion.
— Under Proposition 1, sexual mutilation is the child’s decision — to be enforced by the state — whether the child understands the consequences or not. Mom and dad have no say. It’s already happening in Washington State.
— Under Proposition 1, children (no matter how young) have the right to override their parents’ decisions using the state as the enforcer. Is this wise?
A few things are certain about Proposition 1:
— Fleeing New York state will become necessary for many families who don’t want their children controlled.
— People who excel at their vocation will flee this state, rather than be put at the back of the State’s political preference line per Section (b).
— Do children get to vote? Purchase alcohol? Have sex with anyone of any age? Apparently, statutory rape laws will be nullified. We can’t have age discrimination under Proposition 1. Children with equal rights make the decisions.
— The lawyers are drooling over Proposition 1, as its constitutionality relative to the U.S. Constitution will be litigated all the way to the Supreme Court, for many years hence. Have fun paying the bill for the state’s highly paid lawyers.
Proposition 1 is a looming disaster for state families and society. Vote no or suffer the consequences. Read more at:
Scott Axelson is a Jamestown resident. Michael Dee is a Silver Creek resident.