People’s column
Centers overstep educational boundaries
These comments are in response to an article in the OBSERVER headlined, “Calming centers in schools.” The bill is proposed by state lawmaker Shantel Jackson. The Democrat recently introduced the bill to have a calming space for students — a space to pray, meditate or otherwise calm themselves. This legislation would also apply to non-public schools, according to the bill’s text.
The bill also states that today’s youth are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety, making them more susceptible to substance use disorders, thoughts of suicide and violence. Implementing an accessible wellness room gives a student a safe space to regulate their emotions and manage stress.
My comments on this include:
— First, the teachers are not the parents. The parents are responsible for their own children, again, not the teachers.
— Each school has a nurse. I am sure of that. If that nurse has a problem with any student, the parents should be called and let the parents decide if that student should remain in school or not. If a doctor is needed, then only the parents should make that decision only.
— If our so-called lawmakers in Albany have nothing better to do, then look around at the mess this state is in, with those who decided to come to our country illegally and are treated better than our own citizens.
These lawmakers should also look at the crime problem with no bail law that the Democrats are responsible for.
My last remark is that teachers should educate and leave other decisions of the students for the parents only.