
Peoples column

Sheridan offers open invitation

Editor, OBSERVER: In my comings and goings around town here in Sheridan I hear all sorts of rumors, half-truths, and outright false information. I would ask that anyone wishing to know factually what the Town Board is doing or not doing to attend the board meetings which are held the ...

People’s Column

A battle over ‘Merry Christmas’ Editor, OBSERVER: The “war on Christmas” is not a figment of the imagination. It’s a real battle for the soul of America. When we say “Merry Christmas,” we’re not just uttering a holiday greeting; we’re affirming our heritage, our ...

Making a shift to cleaner energy

Editor, OBSERVER: Recent polling shows 70% to 80% of Americans not only support renewable energy projects, but also approve the siting of them in their communities. So what are we to make of the Arkwright lawsuit against the Summit Wind Farm article (Oct. 3)? Readers of this paper should be ...

People’s column

Ungrateful officials hurt village festivals Editor, OBSERVER: Recently, in your Sept. 27 edition, there was an article concerning the Silver Creek Festival of Grapes. Village leaders there expressed joy and commendation for the festival committee and participants. Nonetheless, not so in ...

People’s column: group adds a positive image

Dunkirk group adds a positive image Editor, OBSERVER: I truly appreciate the efforts of the Revitalize Dunkirk Committee on their efforts to beautify the city. Every time I drive by one of their corner gardens it brings me joy! Reading of their recognition of city homeowners just adds ...

People’s column

Tourney benefits camp, youth Editor, OBSERVER: The Board of Directors of the Camp Gross Foundation would like to express our heart-felt thanks to the participants of the fifth annual Dr. John R.and Alona Forbes Golf Tournament that was held recently at the Cassadaga Country Club. Our ...