

Thirty years ago — 1993

Plans to locally manufacture a new type of high-commercial oven were unveiled at a press conference in Sheridan. Ty Cross of South Roberts Road said he and his partner, Terry Velenti of Tonawanda, have named their device the Cornerstone Rotary Oven and hope to start building them somewhere in the Sheridan area as soon as financing can be found. Designed by Mr. Velenti, the Cornerstone takes up only 24 square feet of floor space and can cook as many as 300 large pizzas per hour using a 12-shelf rotary system inside the oven. The cost is $8,000, but the oven is so fuel efficient it will pay for itself within three years, according to Mr. Cross.

Forty years ago — 1983

Silka Raub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Raub of First Street, South Daytonis the recipient of the Elbridge A. Stuart Scholarship. The $2,100 annual award is given by the Carnation Co. to the son or daughter of an employee. A graduate of Pine Valley Central School, Silka is an elementary education major at Fredonia State University College.

Fifty years ago — 1973

Mrs. Paul Bulick, organizer and tour conductor of the Fredonia Spanish Club travel group, will meet with members at the White Inn to discuss the Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Bali and Hawaii tour.


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