

Thirty years ago — 1993

A Festival Service is planned this Sunday in celebration of the 90th anniversary of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dunkirk. Between 1903 and 1915, the congregation grew in number from 24 to 204 under its first pastor, the Rev. G.G. Ruff. The second pastor, the Rev. John Dimpfl (whose daughter Miss Doris Dimpfl is an active member in today’s church), began his 31-year ministry in 1916 and seven years later the congregation voted to erect a church at a cost of $85,000. It was built where the church still stands, at the corner of West Sixth and Eagle streets.

Forty years ago — 1983

A new automobile dealership, Lakeshore Ford LincolnMercury Inc., recently opened in an extensively remodeled building near the intersection of Routes 20 and 60 in the town of Pomfret. The building was heavily damaged by three separate fires within a five-day period in 1982, forcing the dealership that was formerly located there, Lake Ford Lincoln Mercury Inc., to close its doors.

Fifty years ago — 1973

During the meeting of the Silver Creek Garden Club held at the home of Mrs. David Rice on Bennett Road, Joan Minehan gave a talk on the magazine “Arizona Highways,” which was followed by an informal discussion.


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