

Thirty years ago — 1994

Three hundred grape growers from New York and Pennsylvania attended the second annual Lake Erie Regional Grape Program, a day-long event sponsored by the Cornell and Penn State Cooperative Extension. The late Marty Martin of Chapin Road, Sheridan was honored posthumously as the grape grower of the year. His son, Dean Martin, accepted the award from Rich Erdle, area manager for the National Grape Co-Op of Westfield.

Forty years ago — 1984

The Westfield luncheon site of the Chautauqua County Nutrition Program for the Elderly recently initiated a “Volunteer of the Year” award. The first recipient of the award is Victoria Woodruff of Brocton. Ms. Woodruff is a volunteer with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. In addition to duties as a luncheon site volunteer, she regularly transports participants to the luncheon site located at the United Methodist Church of Westfield.

Fifty years ago — 1974

Dr. David Hoy, featured speaker at the Dunkirk Chamber of Commerce banquet, discussed extrasensory perception (ESP) and made the prediction that a major industry will locate in the Dunkirk area and employ 1,000 people.

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