

Presidency: Trump showing ambition at start

A “golden age,” one in which the United States of America can aim even higher than the moon, was proclaimed Monday during President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration speech. And while Elon Musk may have thrown his hands in the air to cheer the goal to “pursue our manifest destiny into ...

BUFFALO BILLS: Having another shot at the Chiefs

For some Buffalo Bills fans, Sunday night cannot get here fast enough. At 6:30 p.m. that evening, the team that so many here attach their emotions to hopes to reach its fifth Super Bowl in franchise history. It will not be easy. Standing in the way is two-time defending champion Kansas City ...

WINTER: Staying safe inside in the cold

After today, the temperatures begin to show a warming trend — all the way to the mid 20s for the weekend. That’s not balmy yet, but it's an improvement from the teens. In any event, National Fuel issued some safety reminders worth noting during a deep freeze. In a news release issued ...

HANOVER: Demand is key with hotel hopes

Hanover officials are moving in a positive direction when it comes to the prospect of a new hotel operation moving into the town. With the proximity to the lake and the Sunset Bay attractions, many would think the proposal makes sense. Of course, there already has been a significant upgrade ...

DUNKIRK System can’t fix porous decisions

Dunkirk appears willing to move out of the dark ages when it comes to handling the heavy load of more than $28 million in city finances. During a meeting earlier this week, Fiscal Affairs Officer Ellen Luczkowiak said she is ready to contract with GovSense to keep better track of city ...

HEALTH Acknowledging dangers in alcohol

The word “transparency” is now big among Americans. Especially on the governmental front — local, state as well as national — anger pours forth when the public learns about secrecy having prevailed, especially regarding an important, controversial issue that impacts them directly, ...