
District 38 champs

Fredonia outlasts Frewsburg in 10-12 final

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Fredonia’s Rocco Muscarella delivers to the plate during the District 38 Little League 10-12 non-sanctioned tournament final Thursday in Fredonia.

Often in baseball, coaches will tell a player, “If you can hit, we’ll find a place for you.”

After Thursday’s District 38 Little League 10-12 non-sanctioned tournament championship game, one thing is for sure: Fredonia has a lot of young talent that knows how to hit.

In a game that featured 25 runs scored in six innings of action at the Fredonia Little League Complex, the Fredonia all-stars claimed the title with a 14-11 victory over Frewsburg.

Fredonia wasted no time getting on the board, with four runs in the top of the first inning, highlighted by a two-run double by Breydon Kuzdale and an RBI double by Logan Simpson.

“We’ve been hitting the ball hard all tournament,” Fredonia coach Mario Muscarella said. “I expected that would continue.”

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Fredonia’s Jake Frame takes a swing.

While Fredonia never trailed in the game, four runs were nowhere near enough as the game progressed to the later stages.

Frewsburg cut the Fredonia lead in half, 4-2, with a pair of runs in the bottom of the second inning, before Fredonia tacked on two runs in the third inning to a 6-2 lead.

A long home run to straightaway center field off the bat of Frewsburg’s Drake Beckstrom cut Fredonia’s lead down to 6-3, but a double play and a strikeout prevented further damage in the inning.

Fredonia added on five more runs in the top of the fifth inning, all with two outs, as the top of the order produced four straight hits that scored a run. The Fredonia lead was 11-3 after the half-inning.

Then in the bottom of the fifth inning, Frewsburg mounted its comeback attempt.

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Members of the Fredonia Little League 10-12 all-stars hold up the District 38 championship banner after beating Frewsburg 14-11 in the non-sanctioned title game Thursday in Fredonia.

After four strong innings, Fredonia pitcher Rocco Muscarella approached his pitch-count limit. A pair of doubles by Frewsburg, including a two-run double by Riley LaCross, cut the Fredonia lead to 11-5. LaCross came in to score on a wild pitch and Rocco Muscarella did not finish the inning.

An RBI double by Trent Haglund made the score 11-7, then a pair of RBI singles and an intentional walk set Frewsburg up with two runners on base in an 11-10 game.

“Frewsburg is a good team. They have a lot of good hitters,” Mario Muscarella said. “I knew they were going to battle us.”

But Kuzdale, Fredonia’s second reliever in the inning, threw the game’s most important pitch with a full count and two outs, resulting in a called strike three to strand the potential tying and go-ahead runs on base.

“I’m just happy for Breydon,” Mario Muscarella said. “Breydon has worked hard and I couldn’t be happier for him. He deserves it.”

Fredonia tacked on three insurance runs in the top of the sixth inning, before a heads-up play at the plate in the bottom half of the inning finished off the contest in a 14-11 Fredonia victory.

“That was a heads-up play by Rocco (Muscarella) to throw home and a great tag by Ryan Johnson,” Mario Muscarella said. “Just a real cool ending to a great game.”

Rocco Muscarella was the game’s winning pitcher and added three hits of his own. Johnson also had three hits, as did Logan Simpson, featuring two doubles and a triple. Kuzdale contributed two doubles for Fredonia, as well.

In addition to Beckstrom’s home run, Haglund and Gavin Weaver each had two hits for Frewsburg.


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